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Reply To: Cleaning Catalytic Converters with Soap and Water

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge The EricTheCarGuy Video Forum Cleaning Catalytic Converters with Soap and Water Reply To: Cleaning Catalytic Converters with Soap and Water

JT MarstonJT Marston

    I have just read this entire page and each person with the personal input (lol sorry) was very knowledgeable and i like how you all worked around the problem and came up with so many different ideas with chemistry and all heat which i guess is abig part of chemistry lol its all chemistry.. Anyways, i cant stop figure it out why could itno t be carefully cut in half ad of to not break anything inside id say maybe with a dremel and replace the ceramic material inside? Idk sorry if its just bad idea but would it work? Somebody has obviously got some raw materials and combined them in a spcific order for the end result to be. The material (catalyst) found inside so couldnt i
