
1992 Acura Legend – Vehicle Speed Sensor

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge 1992 Acura Legend – Vehicle Speed Sensor

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  • #992481
    Agha TariqAgha Tariq

      Greetings Eric,

      Thank you for the amazing work that you do and the knowledge you share with your viewers.

      I have a 1992 Acura Legend 4 Door Sedan L with only 136,000 miles.

      Just recently I have noticed that while I am driving, my D4 light is flashing. Sometimes the D4 light flashes by itself and sometimes the D4 Light flashes and also my speedometer needle becomes erratic and goes to zero and then back to the speed that I am driving at. It does not happen all the time; neither does it affect the drive or how the car drives.

      So far the only solution I have found, is to find a safe spot to stop; put the vehicle in Park, turn off the ignition and then start again. That takes care of the flashing D4 light and speedometer.

      I would really appreciate if you could guide me as to how to approach this issue. Where I could find the part that I need? Where the location of that part would be?

      Thank you in advance.

      Best Regards,


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    • Author
    • #992528
      Alex MckenzieAlex Mckenzie

        Have you tried bringing to an auto service shop? They can help you run diagnostic to see where the problem is coming from.

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