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  • #854105

      Hey Eric I’m kind of doing the same thing. I have a 1980 ford fairmont mine came with a 2.3L and a C3 trans. I plan on putting a 2004 4.6 police interceptor motor and trans in it. I saw your video on all the after market stuff you plan on putting on it I was wondering if you’d be able to give me a list of all the parts like the Cobra spindles and rotors and other parts. Thanks love the YouTube channel

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    • Author
    • #854169
      EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

        Many of the parts I purchased used from someone who changed their mind about a project. Much of what was shown in the video was in a kit I got here.

        Here’s the tires


          Firs off I would like to thank you for all the great videos I have learned a lot from them. Currently I am working on a 1991 Ford ranger XLT with a 2.3l, 5 speed. I am replacing the head gasket. I got the truck for $150 it ran but was going thru a lot of coolant, found coolant in the oil. My question is since i had coolant in the oil should i rebuild the motor? the truck has 134,000 miles on it. I have most of the tools required for the rebuild, is there anything I should look for when it is torn down to see if it is worth rebuilding or replacing? Do you think a 302 would fit and what mods would i have to do to make it fit.

          Javier RichardsJavier Richards

            Not to sure what to tell you about swapping engines but from a recent experience I can tell you if the head gasket isnt blown, i’d look into the water pump.

            I just recently did a slew of work on my car. replaced the timing, water pump, etc. I didnt put enought rtv on the inside of the timing cover on the water pump piece that mates to the engine. So basically the oil came out looking like a mocha. If you’ve done work there i would recheck it. hope this helps


              Thanks for the info. I looked at the waterp pump and it was fine i found a crack in the block and decided I didn’t want to go any further. But thanks for the advice.

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