
P0420 issue.

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  • #843409
    Thomas RobicheauxThomas

      Light seems to come and go. Converter on bank 1 is about 250 at inlet and 500 at outlet. I average about 18mpg on my 2007 pilot with code on. I just mainly want to know if changing spark plugs could really help or not? I’m being told since one plug on that side had white residue on it that changing all 6 plugs would stop the code. All 4 o2 sensors were replaced and this made no difference.

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    • Author
    • #843412
      college mancollege man

        I would have to say false. p0420 is saying the cat is not cleaning up the emissions to
        spec according to the o2/computer.

        Thomas RobicheauxThomas

          Thanks. I just hope it is the converter. So easy to replace. Just hoping Pacesetters converters are decent enough to clear code.

          Frank GonzalezFrank Gonzalez

            If you have access to a scanner that can read downstream O2 readings, and the readings fluctuate at a high rate like the upstream O2, it would usually indicate a bad cat. Downstream readings should remain steady. If you have a misfire in which the spark plug isn’t firing, raw fuel is being sent down the exhaust onto the cat which will ruin it. Pieces from inside of the cat may have broken off. If you can, hit the cat with your hand and if you hear any rattling, pieces have broken off and the cat is ruined. Also, if interior parts of the cat have broken off, pieces may have gone down the rest of the exhaust system.

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