
Question for the Yoda of automotive, Eric The Car Guy

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Engine Modifications Question for the Yoda of automotive, Eric The Car Guy

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  • #880192

      In a few months, I am going to have a fairly new rebuilt ford 385 series 460 hanging around. I want to tear it apart and make it into a stroker. I want to place it into my very blah, not sorta running, 87 mustang Lx convertible. The 385 is from ’95. Do you think it will fit without too much subframe mod? No garage, just driveway, so I can only use flux core to weld. Never had too much luck with stick on such thin material. The Motor mount fabrication I can use MIG with gas in the basement.
      I will be using the ecm and harness from a 94-97 ford f250 for the swap. I have a reprogrammer which should help out alot for the preformance. I also have an e4od trans that fits that block. Do you think that will fit in the cowl?
      Another question, since it’s a convertible, do you think I still need a sub frame?
      And, yet, another question, I have a 10.25 spicer limited slip, full float hanging around. Is it possible to get it cut down and machined to fit the Mustang, along with the axles? I want to take it to the track

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    • #890798

        I make no claims to being Eric in any way shape or form; I just have a question for you about welding. I understand a little about welding (tried taking courses, long story short it’s not for me), but I don’t understand why you couldn’t MIG weld outside? Is it just because your MIG welder is all set up in your basement and would be a massive pain to move or is there some specific thing about how MIG welders work that I’m missing?

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