
Thank You!

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  • #895842

      I just wanted to take the time to thank ETCG and everyone who is active here sharing ideas and feedback. I have been helped so much by you all, especially ETCG! I am a 55 year old woman; I grew up with my dad who was always tinkering with something (not just cars) and I helped my husband with multiple projects through our marriage. I was a good mech helper but never did anything on my own. I got my first set of ramps to start changing my oil about 8 years ago. I learned about doing brakes (the hardest part being getting the car on jackstands for me!) and rotors all on my 2004 2 door 3.4L Alero. I have changed the transmission filter, what a mess, replaced the belt, what a nightmare!, and the fuel pressure regulator and flushed the coolant system, another messy nightmare (hard to bleed). About three years ago I was able to buy a 2008 Infiniti G37 (!) and what they wanted for maintenance on this puppy was insane but it was intimidating… Eric, I can’t thank you enough for your videos!! You have helped me so much and saved me so much money! Actually, saving my cars because I wouldn’t be able to have kept them for the cost of maintenance. I really appreciate your overviews of automotive systems, like belts, brakes and cooling systems because it gives me a working knowledge of the general principals of the system and I can get an idea of where to start when I have a problem or what I am getting into when I start on a maintenance project. I just recently paid someone $350 to replace the water pump on the Alero (that was stupid! but I was scared about getting into the motor). And it’s not just my stuff, I was able to find a parasitic draw on my daughter in law’s Honda van and fix the sliding doors, pull it’s front hub assembly (steering knuckle) when she wrecked it and have the bearing pressed out and in. It’s not just you, there are so many people out there who have made videos on the most mundane things that have helped me so much and wish I could thank each and all of them. But I love your videos! They are just so good! You go into the details of things in a way that makes it seem accessible. I work in my front yard where everyone can see me and I get embarrassed because I am tiny and old and am always walking across the alley to get more tools out of my shed in the lot next door, but I have breaker bars and pry bars and determination. And I have you, my friend. With all my heart, Thank You!

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    • #895857
      EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

        No, thank YOU for taking the time to share that, you made my day. “Pry bars and determination” can take you quite far as you’ve found out. Congratulations on the work that you’ve done, and good luck with your future projects. #StayDirty


          Thanks, man! Now, how in the world do I get my hands clean?!! I use gloves as I can, but the break or I have to remove them to feel stuff or grip it good and I work in an office with the public and it is a battle to get grime out of the grooves in my skin and the sides of my finger nails…sigh. I use fast orange, goop and and a brush but I still can’t get it all out!! I do stay dirty, though…:)

          EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

            If you’re using Fast Orange, make sure you don’t use the water till the very end. #StayDirty.

            Ryan HottotRyan Hottot

              Hey Catherine, I just wanted to second your thank you to Eric. I’ve been repairing my vehicles since I bought a Jeep YJ about 20 years ago. I’ve been all over YouTube for help with all kinds of repairs. There is nothing better than seeing an ericthecarguy video in my search results! Thank you Eric! You have helped me many times and saved me countless dollars!

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