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  • ssd16ssd16

      Yes, I’ve tried pushing up and down but can’t make it happen. I can’t make the strut compress and uncompress fast enough. If I go over the speed bumps very very slowly there is no noise, but at faster speeds I get the noise. don’t get me wrong, I don’t drive over speed bumps at speed, I do slow down.


        Quoted From Tri9SS:

        when you changed the struts was there a rubber isolater that went between the top of the strut and the strut housing, the part of the vehicle you bolt it to.

        No, once assembled the strut was installed up in the mounting position – metal on metal so to speak. There wasn’t anything there when I took out the original struts.

        The exaust is fine, I went through the underside of the car looking for loose parts, and the bushings are fine (I changed the sway bar bushings on spec).


          Thanks Tri9ss. I should have mentioned that in my original post. I’ve had the car up on jack stands and checked all the suspension parts, they are all good. There is no play what so ever when I wiggle the wheel in any dirction – its like new. Car tracks straight and true down the highway with no play in the steering wheel.

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