
VManual Store

You are required to be a registered member of in order to purchase a download or streaming VManual.

A basic membership to is FREE, all you need is a valid email address and to create a username and password.

We will not sell your information to a 3rd party.

Being a member of you’ll also be able to comment and rate your VManual. You’ll also be granted access to the streaming service for your VManual if you decided to purchase a Streaming VManual. You’ll also automatically be signed up for the ETCG monthly newsletter (which you can cancel if you don’t want it). Lastly, you’ll be able to participate and ask questions at the ETCG Forum.

If you have issues with sign up, please contact and we will respond within 24 hours.

Purchasing a VManual as a Download

You will need to be logged in to to make a purchase. Once logged in, go to the VManual you wish to purchase and click on it.

You can make your choice of Streaming or Download to the left of your selection.

You have a choice of .mov (for Mac computers) or .wmv (for Windows computers). Choose which version you want from the drop down under the purchase tab above “Add To Cart”.

After choosing your VManual, click “Add to Cart“. This will add your selection to your shopping cart. You’ll now be on your shopping cart page. If you wish to continue to shop and add more VManuals to your cart, click the “Back to shop” button on the lower left and it will bring you back to the VManuals page.

If you have a Premium Member discount code, you can enter it now. If you’d like to learn more about becoming a Premium Member of to be eligible for this discount click here. You must enter your discount code before you make your purchase in order for it to go through.

When you’re ready to complete your purchase click “Checkout”.  At checkout you’ll be directed to enter some basic information, all required fields are needed to proceed so be sure to fill in everything with an “*” next to it.

When complete click “Next”. This is the final page before check out, in order to complete your order you’ll need to check the box for “Terms of service and Return Policy” before clicking “Confirm Order”.

Once you click “Confirm Order” you’ll be directed to PayPal to complete your purchase. Once the transaction is complete, you’ll receive an email with a receipt for your purchase along with a link for your download.

Once you click the link, the download begins and goes into the ‘Downloads’ folder on your computer’s hard drive. It usually takes about 30min or so with a good internet connection so please allow plenty of time for the download to complete. The download must complete before you can view your VManual.

Once the download is complete, you’ll be able to store it in another location on your computer, or burn it to disc for safe keeping in the event of a hard drive crash.

If you loose your download for any reason, don’t worry. Just contact and we will work to help you get your VManual back.

Keep in mind this is copyrighted material and for personal use only. Any unauthorized use of a VMnaual or it’s links are subject to penalties under copyright law.

If you have any questions, or have issues with the download process, please contact and someone will get back with you within 24 hours to assist you with your problem.

Purchasing a Streaming VManual

You also have the ability to purchase a streaming version of a VManual instead of a download. This is ideal if you wish to view the VManual on your tablet or mobile device. You can also view the VManual from any computer when logged into

**We now offer the ability to purchase ALL available VManuals for one low price. See details below.

When you purchase a Streaming VManual, you’ll receive a 1 year subscription to the VManual. Once you’ve completed your purchase, you’ll be able to view the VManual from your MyETCG page at at any time via Mobile, Tablet, or Computer as long as you have an internet connection and you are logged in to The one year period starts on the date of purchase.

To purchase a Streaming VManual, make sure you are logged into Then, click the link on the page for the VManual you wish to purchase. Enter the required information into the fields provided, fields with an “*” must be filled in correctly to complete your purchase.

If you have a Premium Member coupon code you can enter it now. For more information on becoming a Premium Member click here.

Once you’ve completed filling in the information, click “Subscribe now!” At the bottom of the page and you will be directed to PayPal to complete your transaction. Once that’s complete, you’ll receive an email with your receipt and also one with a link to view your VManual at your “My ETCG” page.

You’ll find your VManual subscription under the “My VManuals” tab after you login. Just click the link and your VManual will load into a player and you can begin watching.

Streaming VManuals are available the moment your purchase is complete. You will have access to your VManual in this way for the term of your purchase which is one year from the purchase date.

Once the one year period is up, your subscription will automatically renew. You can cancel your subscription at any time, including right after you make your purchase. Just sign into your PayPal account and click on your purchase. From there you can cancel or suspend payments. This will prevent further charges to your account.

You can track the subscription to your purchased VManual via your dashboard which is accessible on the “My ETCG” page of When your subscription is about to expire, you will receive notification on your dashboard at as well as email notification reminding you that your subscription to your VManual is about to renew. Remember, you can cancel your subscription at any time and you will still be able to view your VManual for the term of your subscription.

If you feel you have been charged in error, or you need help cancelling recurring payments, please contact

We will make every effort to resolve any issues to your satisfaction, but failure to contact and filing a PayPal dispute instead, will result in you being banned form

When viewing your VManual on a mobile device, keep in mind video playback is dependent on your internet connection, signal strength, and wireless carrier. For best results, it’s recommend you playback your VMnaual when connected to a wireless network. Data rates may apply, so keep that in mind when viewing your VMnaual on your cellular network.

VManuals are NOT transferable and are subject to applicable copyright laws.

If you have any issues purchasing or with your VManual please contact and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours to help resolve your issue.  Thank you for your purchase and enjoy your VManuals.

Purchasing All Available VManuals (Streaming Only)

We now offer the option to purchase all of the streaming VManuals as a subscription. So if you’re thinking about purchasing more than one VManual, you might want to check this out.

You can purchase all existing Streaming VManuals for $35.oo, $25.oo for Premium Members of

Consider that you can have a truckload of ETCG content with a Premium Membership and Streaming VManual Package for the bargain price of $60.oo.

‘New’ streaming VManuals are not eligible until 1 year after they are posted. If the VManual says “New” on it’s page, it is not eligible for the streaming service and must be purchased separately. If it doesn’t say “New”, then it is part of the Streaming Vmanual package.

Terms of Sale and Return Policy

All sales are final. If you encounter difficulty with a VManual either via streaming, or you have issues with the download, please contact and report any issues. If the issue cannot be resolved to your satisfaction within a reasonable amount of time, you will be issued a full refund. If you make a mistake with your order and wish to purchase another VManual, please contact and we will work to resolve the issue.

We will make every effort to resolve any issues to your satisfaction, but failure to contact and filing a PayPal dispute instead, will result in you being banned form

There is NO PHONE SUPPORT for this product, please direct any issues to the email above and you will be contacted within 24 hours to help resolve the issue.

Thank you for reading. Enjoy your purchase and thank you!

Stay Dirty


Payment Methods

At this time, PayPal is the only form of payment we accept.

Online Automotive Repair Information

If you have issues with the download or have questions about the VManual send them to, there is NO PHONE SUPPORT for this product but emails submitted to the address above will be answered within 24 hours.

Support Email:

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