ETCG Gets a New 1992 Vigor 5speed! -ETCG1
I was very excited when Jason Horst sent me an email about a 1992 Acura Vigor 5speed in my neighborhood. These cars are getting harder and harder to find which is why I was so surprised. On top of that, they only wanted $500 for it. I had to check it out.
I ended up bringing it home. Well, they actually delivered it to me since it didn’t run when I bought it. I knew it would be a risk, but I spun the engine by hand and felt confident it wasn’t locked up.
After getting it to the shop I set to work getting it to run again. I was able to do just that and now I have a running 1992 Acura Vigor 5speed!
Honestly, I don’t know what I’m going to do with this car, but I really couldn’t pass it up for the price. There MAY be an automatic to manual swap in it’s future, but I’d like to work on my Fairmont first and get that done. Then I’ll turn my attention to this car. For now, if I need parts, I know they’ll be easy to find.
EricTheCarGuy Channel:
Intro music by Eric Cook “ETCG1 Intro”.
Discussion about this Video:…/60831-etcg-gets-a-new-1992-vigor-5speed#151697
Merrick Car Dollies:
Merrick Machine Co. M998002 12″ X 16″ Auto Dolly 6000Lb Capacity
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ETCG Video Title: ETCG Gets a New 1992 Vigor 5speed! -ETCG1 Video Description: I was very excited when Jason Horst sent me an email about a 1992 Acura Vigor 5speed in my neighborhood. These cars are getting harder and harder to find which is why I was so surprised. On top of that, they only wanted $500 for it. Thumbnail: