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  • 07 ford sport trac abs light wont go out .

07 ford sport trac abs light wont go out .

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here 07 ford sport trac abs light wont go out .

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  • #893495
    Jerry Gilles

      I just installed new hub bearings on my 07 sport trac . Plugged in the ABS wires just like the old ones were and while I have only driven about 100 ft .in the drive my ABS light is still on . Does this have to be reset on the dash menu thing or will they reset them self . Thanks in advance.

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    • Author
    • #893497
      Jerry Gilles

        I want to say the ABS light went out and was reset by the onboard computer ,that is what it’s suppose to do ,I just had to drive it a block further. Case closed .

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