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  • 1999 Cavalier out of A/C refrigerant for a long time, should I use first charge?

1999 Cavalier out of A/C refrigerant for a long time, should I use first charge?

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here 1999 Cavalier out of A/C refrigerant for a long time, should I use first charge?

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  • #889651

      quick question. I was thinking of using the first charge additive because my A/C has been out of refrigerant for so long it’s completely empty. It’s an old car and the people I got it from used it with no A/C the whole time they had it. I was thinking to use the first charge with the lubricants in it and additives because it’s been out for sooo long. Do you use it just like the freon or is it just an additive, it does say R-134a. Thanks for your help in advance! This is the link for it.

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    • Author
    • #889652
      Richard Kirshy

        Before you attempt to add anything.
        You’ll need to evacuate the system and see if can hold a vacuum to prove there are no leaks.
        Next being the system has been empty for who knows how long.
        It might be wise to replace the filter / dryer before you start.
        At which point, if the system passes, then you can pull a vacuum then add oil as required and add the correct amount of refrigerant through a manifold set.

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