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2000 Dodge Neon ES No Reverse or 5th Gear

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here 2000 Dodge Neon ES No Reverse or 5th Gear

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  • #478346

      Hey everyone,

      I bought this 2000 Dodge Neon ES a month ago as my winter beater and believe me, it’s DEFINTELY a beater lol.

      Car has 179,000 miles on it and it runs great (cosmetics and rust are what make this a beater).

      My problem started when I went to go to the store real quick. I turned out of my driveway and shifted from 1st to second, then to third and then to neutral since my turn was only 1000 feet down the road. I took the turn and went to shift down into 2nd to accelerate and the shifter felt tight and wouldn’t move like it used to. This shifter ahs always been sloppy but never missed any gears before.

      I noticed the shifter has virtually NO side-to-side movement and I cannot select 5th gear or reverse AT ALL. It’s like I try and push the shifter to the side but it will not move. I can get 1st-4th although the shifter does not move too freely.

      It’s weird that this just happened out of the blue while driving for 30 seconds. It felt fine out of the driveway but then this happened 30 seconds later.

      Any input or anyone who has experience with these dodge neons???

      Thank you in advance!

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    • Author
    • #478358

        maybe something flew up from the road and got jammed in there!!


          Quick visual shows nothing jammed anywhere. I didn’t hear anything and the transmission was not making any noises prior to or after this occured. It’s like I’m locked out of mocing the shifter from side to side and cannot get into 5th or reverse.


            Check the shift linkage for adjustment. There might be something stuck there or it may need adjusting/replacing.


              I inspected the linkage under the center consol at the shifter and all was well. I went up to the trans and checked the linkage there…

              You have to remove the battery and tray to see the linkage so I did just that. The bushings were gone. The linkage for the 5th/reverse selector were stick on the trans causing it to bind and not move. The other just flops around on the selector.

              I am ordering new bushings today.

              Thanks for all the suggestions!!!


                Keep us updated 🙂

                college man

                  keep us posted.

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