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2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee 4.0L stutter

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here 2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee 4.0L stutter

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  • #871700
    Conrad HutchingsConrad Hutchings

      Hello there i have a 2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee 4.0 i am having a stuttering problem with it i changed the fuel pump and the fuel filter thought that was my problem and it was not ran a cleaner threw the gas for the fuel injectors 2 times still did not fix the problem it only dose it when it is idling for so long to me it is gasping for air after u step on the petal it goes away soon as it idling for so long it starts again


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    • #871722

        Do you have a scan tool that offers live data, ie blue driver or auto ingenuity .

        Conrad HutchingsConrad Hutchings

          no i do not i ordered a Bluetooth one off Ebay i am waiting on it that tells me all that stuff


            Try looking at your throttle plate is it dirty. Have you checked your fuel pressures before changing parts.

            Check out fuel trims for positive numbers and vacuum leaks. What does throttle position say at idle, etc.

            Conrad HutchingsConrad Hutchings

              yes i did the fuel pump was going bad and the new one gives psi between 50 and 60 psi when running and when u turn it off it keeps the psi there to for 10 mins i have not checks the throttle body yet to see if it is dirty but i will do that

              Thanks Huchters358

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