
2004 Toyota Highlander V6 4wd

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here 2004 Toyota Highlander V6 4wd

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  • #642539
    Michael SacksteinMichael Sackstein

      Hey Eric, sorry I missed your last show on the 22nd. My grandpa passed away on that day and so I was out on Long Island all day and didn’t get a chance to come online. I had a question about my aunt’s 2004 Highlander. It seems that when the car is idling it makes a slight rattling sound from the exhaust. I have looked underneath the car and have not seen anything obvious like holes or a rusted out exhaust pipe, and there is no check engine light on for a catalytic converter so I assume that’s all OK. But one thing I was told it might be is a bad heat shield on the catalytic converter. I guess overtime those things get loose and do just that. What are your thoughts on this?

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