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2010 Nissan Sentra – Power Steering

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here 2010 Nissan Sentra – Power Steering

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  • #583089
    Nathan Johnston

      Hi everybody,
      I am trying to help out a coworker with a Power steering issue. I haven’t driven the car but this is what I am told.
      “It drives fine until you turn and hit a bump like a Pot Hole, you can’t bring the car out of the turn until you come to a stop and then straighten the wheel, This happens when making right turns.”
      The coworker brought this to my attention after taking it to a Nissan dealer (it is out of bumper to bumper warranty).
      The dealer replaced a right control arm and shock for around $790.
      The car continued to do the same thing (get stuck in a turn after bumps in the road)
      Next it went back to the dealer where a steering rack was installed, the dealer didn’t charge for labor. Now The dealer is telling them, “it is better, but it still has the problem, you need a new electronic assist motor, which is part of the steering column, and it costs $1900, there is no way to diagnose the motor, you just have to replace it and see if it works.” The dealer also thinks the electronic assist aided in damaging the rack.

      I seem to think you can diagnose anything if you know how. I’m guessing you could set it up with a scope and watch the waveforms for glitches when the problem occurs.

      The car cost them $10k and now they are thinking about getting rid of it. what are your thoughts?


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    • Author
    • #583125
      Joeseph Mama

        Give me the year/make/model of the vehicle with the steering problem and I will attempt to get you a diagnostic procedure specific to the vehicle.

        Nathan Johnston

          It is a 2010 Nissan Sentra, base model I believe. with electronic assist power steering. I don’t have the VIN.

          Lorrin Barth

            Get rid of it. After the steering motor you’ll find the K member is bent. Then it will need other suspension parts.

            college man

              [quote=”Carguy83″ post=92503]It is a 2010 Nissan Sentra, base model I believe. with electronic assist power steering. I don’t have the VIN.[/quote]

              see if this helps.



                It does sound like it might be the assist motor on the column. Sucks if it is. Especially if that was the problem the entire time.

                Keep us posted on your progress and good luck.

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