
96 Honda Accord LX Slave Cylinder

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here 96 Honda Accord LX Slave Cylinder

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  • #500157

      Good morning Eric, morning Class. I got into the accord the other morning and my clutch pedal dropped straight to the floor…and diddnt come back up. Had no time to mess with it but researched all day in spare time to find out it was either master cylinder, slave cylinder or broken line. Well, I checked it out later and it was definitely the slave cylinder. The master looked as if it was replaced once in the life of the car. So, I did watch your video how to on a civic, but I’m running into a problem. It’s tight, like real tight trying to put the actuator part of the slave to where it pushes the clutch. My question is, should it be that tight? I can’t push it in to get the screws back in. In your video, the arm looked to have plenty of room to line it up. Maybe the accord is different? Maybe the arm on my new slave is longer? IDK I gotta check it out later.

      Along with the fun, one of the screws holding the slave to the transmission stripped. I fought with that for awhile before I decided to go get a bolt extractor set. Best $40 I ever spent on a tool I would strongly recommend anyone who plans to be a mechanic for more than a week get a set. I already had the type where you drill a hole through the bolt, but I diddnt want have to remove the radiator to get it out.

      On the bright side, I was able to borrow a vacuum bleeder from a buddy so that part should not be nearly as tiring as it was for you. 🙂

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    • #501094

        Well, I ended up having to replace that master cylinder also. I am soooo glad I watched your video on how to do this. I ended up having to buy some metric brake line wrenches. They still diddnt work we’ll so used a channel locks to brake the seal. That little cotter pin is the biggest PITA. I ruined it getting it out of there. Replaced with a paper clip, and I reversed it, which I saw on another video. The slave cylinder is definitely way harder on the accord. It’s pretty tough to press it in there and get the bolts started. It’s all together and working now. The hand held vacuum pump is the way to go also. I had to find a YouTube video to figure out how to use it, as I was doing it wrong at first.

        college mancollege man

          glad to hear it worked out.thanks for the update.

          EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

            Reading through I’m wondering if you hooked up the feed line before you fastened it to the vehicle. If that’s the case it will be harder to push in. In addition, in the video I think I show working the slave cylinder before installation. This helps break the seal and get the piston moving. Also, if the rod is not placed correctly in the cup of the slave cylinder you can also experience that problem. It’s hard to see because it’s behind the rubber boot.

            Keep us posted.


              Hmmm. You know, I’m not sure I ever lifted the slave boot to see that side of the cup the push rod fits into was in there right?…maybe it could have been easier, though things rarely go that way for me. It’s all installed now and not leaking, and it works good….really don’t want to take it off to double check.
              I did work the slave a bit before installing got fluid in it. It had to be like completely compressed before I could fit it in….and I did have the hydraulic line started before I bolted it to the trans. That actually helped give me something to grab and pull to get the bolts started.

              Thank you for getting back to me and thanks a million for the video!!

              EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

                Glad you got it sorted out. Thanks for the update and for using the ETCG forum.

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