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’98 Accord 2.3l head gasket replacment.

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here ’98 Accord 2.3l head gasket replacment.

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  • #538582

      Hi, I’m looking for any helpful insight on replacing the head gasket on in a 98 Accord 2.3l. Have been getting a fair amount of oil into the cooling system. The car has over 300,000mi. No overheat condition and runs really well. I have replaced the timing belt and water pump. Also a new radiator and hoses. Flushed the cooling system and bled the air out. is there anything more I should look for? a

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    • Author
    • #538616
      college man

        If your seeing oil in the coolant I would say
        head gasket.To confirm do a block test.


          Thank you. If you could, please enlighten me on the block test. Can this be done with the engine in the vehicle or removed?

          college man

            You don’t have to remove anything except the radiator cap.
            you can rent the kit from an auto part store.



              OH, I see. Thank you

              college man

                [quote=”speedy” post=69636]OH, I see. Thank you[/quote]

                Keep us posted on your progress. 😉


                  That test is OK if you have a combustion leak into the cooling system but if it’s just oil that test won’t prove anything. Is your oil level going down? If you’re sure it’s oil then it probably needs a head gasket anyway. I would have the head checked for cracks while it’s off.


                    the car is using slightly more oil than normal. With just over 300,000miles the car was using a qt every 3-4000. Recently replaced the Timing belt ,water pump and radiator. The coolant hadn’t been flushed in over 100k and looked pretty bad. flushed the cooling system and within a week noticed oil in the coolant reservoir. Now having to add a qt of oil every 1000-1500mi. Car still runs good and never overheats. Will move the head gasket forward with the head gasket replacement and have the head checked. Will keep you posted.
                    And thank you for the input.

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