
a Rhythmic Scraping Noise


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  • #986823
    Ken ForresterKen Forrester

      I recently did a full brake rotor/pads/shoes on my 2009 Scion tC. I also made sure to bleed out all the old junky fluid that was in the master cylinder while I was at it.

      I used Centric Rotors, Centric Posi-Quiet Pads. Everything installed pretty easy. I made sure to replace all the caliper guide pins and also used AGS Sil-Glyde to lubricate all the moving parts and contact points in regards to the caliper/pads/pins/clips. Now I’m getting a very annoying, rhythmic scraping noise coming from what I believe to be the passenger side of the vehicle. Sounds like light metal scraping noise.. that speeds up when I speed up.. slows down as I slow down.. It doesn’t do it if I turn the wheel to the right, but soon as the wheel is left or straight its there.

      The brake performance is great, way better then the rusted out junk that got pulled off the car… I don’t get any odd smells of burnt brakes.. and after a good drive, I’ve made sure to check all 4 wheels.. by feeling the wheel.. and the rotor carefully. none of them are scorching hot, hot yes.. but nothing that would lead me to believe I have a bad caliper.

      I’ve had the front passenger side pulled apart like 3-4 different times now just checking everything… Rotor is pretty much center with the caliper bracket.. the retaining clips ain’t catching the rotor, and the dust shield was bent as far away from the rotor as I possibly could get it to bend away. I also made sure to do the same to the rear passenger dust shield. still the noise is present. so It’s not the dust shield. It doesn’t happen in reverse, but soon as I start rolling forward and get over 10mph it starts to happen.

      What’s strange is the driver side is perfectly quiet.. no issues anywhere. Just this weird rhythmic rubbing/scraping noise from the passenger side.. the best way I can explain it is it sounds like pads rubbing/scuffing like a “shh shh shh” very lightly until I turn left and it gets more pronounced

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    • Author
    • #986824
      Nightflyr *Richard Kirshy

        First thing would to find exactly which wheel is producing the noise.
        After that, jack up the car and spin the wheel and see if the sound can be reproduced.
        Then remove the wheel and spin the rotor and see if the sound still continues.
        Depending on the outcome will pinpoint the cause.
        If the noise is present with the wheel on but not with it removed, chances are pretty good something is making contact with the wheel.
        If the noise is still present with the wheel removed, there is some issue with the assembly of the brakes / caliper / caliper bracket.
        One other thing to note …
        It may also not be an issue with the brakes but perhaps a faulty bearing or axle.
        But you need to make sure of one before the other.

        Ken ForresterKen Forrester

          Yeah, I’ve jacked up the front and rear passenger side with the tire on and spun it.. the front is quiet.. the rear makes a little noise like the shoes inside the rotor for the parking brake are making contact but I was under the impression on this car when you adjust those you want to hear that. I’ve checked for play grabbing the tires at 12/6 and 9/3 and they are rock solid.. also peeked at the axles with the tires off in/around the hub and the boots are intact.. no tears… leaks.. etc. I didn’t have any noise issues until I swapped out the rotors/pads. No weird vibrations, shakes, or strange noises while driving.

          I guess I need to pull the rear passenger brake assembly apart and look at everything again. Just weird if It was a parking brake adjustment issue because I adjusted both sides of the rear equally and the driver side is absolutely quiet.

          Thanks, guess Ill have to look deeper into the rear end if the driver side front spins clean when It’s in the air.

          Nightflyr *Richard Kirshy

            Good luck and keep us updated

            Ken ForresterKen Forrester

              well. I found the culprit. the rotor is rubbing up against the backing plate. I pulled the rotor off the rear passenger side and after a little inspecting I noticed a spot probably about 1-3″ long that is rubbed down to raw metal on the parking brake back plate that all that mounts to.

              I emailed Centric about this and they pretty much blamed it on my car and sent me some PDF explaining all the what/why about it so clearly they know their rotors do this and won’t back up their product. pretty much told me rip that whole side apart and replace everything or grind down the trouble spot. funny how I didn’t have any issues until I installed their rotors on my car.

              so guess I gotta go out and get a angle grinder and some grinding wheels.. I guess my question is now would I be better off grinding it down or cutting that spot out of the plate that’s catching the rotor. I did my best to bend it away from the rotor but that still aint got rid of the noise. a new plate runs about $160+shipping and probably a new hub if I gotta smash the crap outta the existing one to get it out.

              I thought about taking everything apart but I would literally have to disassemble everything, pull the hub..just to get the plate off and there’s no telling if It’ll even take care of the problem which they blamed on “rust jacking” but if that was the case I would’ve heard it before.

              Nightflyr *Richard Kirshy

                Just a thought…
                Wouldn’t it be easier and less damaging to just get a set of rear rotors that fit correctly than taking it all apart, Purchasing a grinder and disks.
                Modifying your backing plate to accommodate the rotors you have?.
                Just saying…..

                Ken ForresterKen Forrester

                  I honestly thought about just getting another rotor from a different company but they all look to be built the same way. I don’t wanna have two rotors that rub on the plate then.

                  Just getting frustrated with it and wanna get rid of the noise and a lil irritated with Centric and their tech support.

                  Nightflyr *Richard Kirshy

                    There’s always OEM

                    Billy AndrewsBilly

                      Stay stock, stay happy

                      John RoweJohn Rowe

                        great post. I have been having this issue too, and have been researching the cause.

                        • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by John RoweJohn Rowe.
                        • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy.
                        Ken ForresterKen Forrester

                          your welcome John. I’d check the backing plates for the brakes.. I don’t see what buying another rotor would do besides give me two rotors that scrape.. so instead of grinding/cutting the bracket up, I’ll probably just end up hammering it out away from the rotor. I don’t plan on ever pulling the rotor again anyways now that I replaced the shoes. Rust is inevitable when I live in the rust belt. Pennsylvania.

                          Willier FeltonWillier Felton

                            well. I found the offender. the rotor is scouring toward the sponsorship plate. I pulled the rotor off the back traveler side and after a touch of assessing I saw a spot likely around 1-3″ long that is scoured down to crude metal on the stopping brake backplate that such mounts to.


                            Ken ForresterKen Forrester

                              same issue in my case Willier. next nice day I get here I’m gonna hammer on it a little to push it away from the rotor. Glad my post was helpful.. I’m glad I figured it out after having the passenger side ripped apart 10 times..

                              Willier FeltonWillier Felton

                                well. I found the offender. the rotor is scouring toward the sponsorship plate. I pulled the rotor off the back traveler side and after a touch of assessing I saw a spot likely around 1-3″ long that is scoured down to crude metal on the stopping brake backplate that such mounts to.


                                Reiki Medium 333Richard White

                                  well. I discovered the wrongdoer. the rotor is scouring toward the sponsorship plate. I pulled the rotor off the back explorer side and after a dash of evaluating I saw a spot likely around 1-3″ long that is scoured down to unrefined metal on the halting brake back plate that such mounts to.


                                  • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by Reiki Medium 333Richard White. Reason: fro msitake
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