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Auto Trans Oil Cooler Line Fitting Leak.

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here Auto Trans Oil Cooler Line Fitting Leak.

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  • #893459

      Auto Trans Oil Cooler Line Fitting Leak. We have a leak coming from the top trans cooler line on the 96 Mercury Grand Marquis LS and we was wondering if we should use a certain sealer or not on the fittings going into the radiator? Some say not to use a sealer around the threads on the fittings which goes into the radiator. Some say to use Teflon Tape. I wanted to get your opinion on this matter. –David

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    • #893468
      Its me

        This should not require any sealer that I am aware of. Something is wrong with the fitting or the bung….

        Good Luck!



          I appreciate your reply to my question, thank you. I am new at the DIY repairs but learning along the way. When you say bung exactly which part of that are you referring to? -David

          Its me

            A bung is the hole in the radiator with the threads that the coolant line fitting screws into…



              Thank you for the helpful info. We fixed the transmission cooler line leak at the radiator by applying teflon tape to the threads. After applying the teflon tape the leak stopped immediately.

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