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Belt squealing at start up and when cold.

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here Belt squealing at start up and when cold.

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  • #887382

      Hi, I have a squealing noise from one of my belts when I start the car and when it is cold out (it seems). **The belts are almost new, replaced August 2017. *It is NOT the Timing Belt, new too. Any ideas, lube or quick fix???

      A friend, who is a former mechanic drove with me yesterday and said to: “Use soap and lube the belt”??

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    • #887414

        No indication in your post of what engine has this serpentine belt noise.
        1. Don’t put any kind of lubricant on the belt which will just aide it to slip. Any kind of serpentine belt dressings that are available won’t permanently rid the noise either, just disguise it for a short while.
        2. If the belt is good quality then the belt noise may be due to a slightly misaligned pulley or a loss of belt tension from the tensioner pulley (allowing slippage) or it may just be due to moisture being absorbed by the belt which will evaporate as the belt heats up.
        Check the belt when the vehicle has been standing overnight to ensure there is no fluid leak from anywhere that can run onto the belt.
        3. Dayco has a range of low noise belts. You might look at one of those if everything else checks out on the vehicle.

        Richard Kirshy

          Assuming this has occurred during the cold weather only.
          A couple of things you could look at.
          First would be the alternator / belt and battery.
          During cold weather the battery performance drops, which puts a larger load on the alternator after start up.
          I would check the condition of the belt and its tension.
          Next load test the battery and see if it requires and excessive charge after starting which will load the alternator more and possibly cause the squeal.
          Load test the alternator for proper voltage and current.


            Your former mechanic friend was pulling your leg. That or he’s mentally challenged.
            New belts squealing were typically installed too loose; check the tension.


              Another source of excessive belt drag when cold could be the Power Steering pump, indicating a failing pump and/or very old fluid.

              As others have said, the first step would be to check the belt tension. Aside from an “automatic” spring-loaded tensioner, you might have some adjustability for tension at the alternator.

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