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Burned out light bulbs in instrument cluster

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge ETCG Suggestion Box Burned out light bulbs in instrument cluster

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  • #646066
    Michael Wells

      Hey Eric, I recently had some burned out light bulbs in my instrument cluster in my F-250. At first I was a little hesitant about pulling the dash apart around the instrument cluster, but after receiving a quote of $190 from the dealer to replace the burned bulbs, I decided to tackle the job myself and just spend $5 on the bulbs. After taking a look and studying the dash for a few minutes, I dug into it. About an hour later, I had it done. I just figured I would throw my suggestion in on having a video on changing them bulbs out, if you don’t have one. It would help save a lot of people some cash.

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    • #646083

        Thanks for the suggestion. In fact I think it was last year I shot a video on this very thing. The owner also wanted to replace the bulbs with LED’s. Thing is, not all the LED’s worked and I was reluctant to publish a video of a repair that wasn’t 100% successful.

        I’ll be on the lookout for other opportunities for this. Thanks again for the suggestion.

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