
Cars That Sit

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  • #598159

      When I first got my 1993 Vigor it was obvious that it had been sitting for some time. I’ve spent the past couple of months trying to erase some of the damaged caused during that time. With that in mind, I made this video. What are your thoughts and tips for Cars That Sit?

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    • #600675

        yep, guess don’t spend money on something you know you cannot commit too!


          I have a few questions for Ericthecarguy about the Video on cars that sit, and if there are any videos that answer my question, please post, I would love to see them! When you got the 93 Vigor, was it in bad shape? Were there alot of repairs you needed to perform to make it reliable? Also, I’m looking to purchase Vigor, would it be possible (Only if you’ve got spare time) to do a video on how to service the brakes on it if you haven’t already? Also, would you advise an individual against buying a car that has sat for some time? Is the value of a car that has sat Lower than one that is a driven vehicle? Assuming both are low miles?


            The reason I ask for a video on brakes, is because the car I am looking at, the owner says the only thing it is over due for, is new brakes, he says the front is bad shape and the rear is getting very close. And I would rather do my own brakes so I know it’s done correctly with the correct lubrications.

            Lorrin Barth

              Some things deteriorate on any car that sits. However where it sat has a lot to do with condition. Outside in a wet climate under a tree is the worst. Inside or in a dry climate is better. Inside in a rodent free environment is the best. The trouble is cars that owners have decided to park rather then repair are always found outside in a rainy climate under a tree.


                [quote=”Hemikid1994″ post=101717]I have a few questions for Ericthecarguy about the Video on cars that sit, and if there are any videos that answer my question, please post, I would love to see them! When you got the 93 Vigor, was it in bad shape? Were there alot of repairs you needed to perform to make it reliable? Also, I’m looking to purchase Vigor, would it be possible (Only if you’ve got spare time) to do a video on how to service the brakes on it if you haven’t already? Also, would you advise an individual against buying a car that has sat for some time? Is the value of a car that has sat Lower than one that is a driven vehicle? Assuming both are low miles?[/quote]

                The brakes are the same as an Accord with captive rotors. I’ve done several other videos on servicing Honda brakes. As for the Vigor, parts are hard to find and can be expensive. Next Monday’s video talks about that very thing. As for cars that sit, the title video pretty much covers it. You’ll have a lot more to deal with on a vehicle that sits than one that doesn’t

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