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Chevy Colorado Project Need Suggestions/Ideas

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge What Are You Working On? Chevy Colorado Project Need Suggestions/Ideas

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  • #869666

      Hey everybody, I’ve got a 9 year-old Colorado and it’s bone stock (except the tires and wheels). I’m wanting to eventually make this thing run hard. Eric has inspired me to want to old-school-up my truck. It’s an automatic, it’s got a little 4 banger engine, and it doesn’t even have power windows or locks, but I love it lol.
      All my parts including the engine are going to have to come from pull-a-part or a junkyard. I’m a broke college student and I have minimal tools, but I don’t want that to stop me from doing this project.
      My plan is to eventually put in a new engine, a new tranny, a new suspension, and clutch (along with heads, an intake, and a carb). I’m sure i’ll have to eventually get rid of the computer and various other things a modern engine needs to run. I’m sure this project is going to take a loooong time to complete.
      I’m looking for any and all advice as to where I should start, what I should put in my truck, what I should do to the truck and, how I should do it. I have a working knowledge of cars and I’m not afraid to pull it all apart B) . I will post pictures and update as I work on things you guys suggest. Thanks in advance.

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    • Author
    • #870200

        Not to rain on your parade or anything, but that’s a bad idea. Assuming it’s even doable you’re looking at a TON more work than you anticipate. Just about everything on modern vehicles is computer controlled, they aren’t meant to able to be heavily modified like you want. Removing the computer would more than likely mean that you’d need to rewire the trucks entire electrical system. That also means that you’d have to change out anything that in turn relies on the computer, basically anything with sensors including safety equipment like airbags. You could very well end up replacing almost everything in that truck. Also since you plan on putting in a carbureted engine another thing to consider is that it may no longer be able to pass emissions tests. That along with all the electrical work you have to do may leave your truck no longer street legal.

        Not to discourage you from modifying it, if you’re able to successfully do this it would be beyond awesome. I’m just trying to give you some perspective on the worst case scenario. Trust me I know how you feel, as I am also a broke collage student with minimal tools and three project cars that got dumped in my lap.

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