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Cleaned fuel injectors, car won’t start.

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here Cleaned fuel injectors, car won’t start.

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  • #887519
    Chris lopresto

      Today I decided to do some maintenance on my ’06 civic. It had been leaking oil from the valve cover for a couple months, so I popped the cover off and swapped the gasket. Durring this repair, I figured this was the exact right moment to rip my injectors out too and try to clean them, because as the saying goes “If it aint broke fix it”. So I go ahead, with the help of a modified tire valve, spraying carb cleaner through my injectors. It all seems to be going great until I try to start it up. It really tries to start, and even turns over and runs for a couple seconds.

      What I’ve done so far is, quadrupole check all my work to make sure I hadn’t left any connections un-made, put in a brand new set of ngks, and finnaly replace all eight o rings on the injectors themselves.

      If anybody has any ideas, I would be very thankful.

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    • Author
    • #887520
      Richard Kirshy

        Providing that all the O ring seals are seated correctly and that you have all the injectors plugged in to their proper connectors.
        Check your fuel pressure with a gauge to make sure it is to spec.
        You may have damaged the injectors in the way you cleaned them.
        Did you try to get the engine running by using some type of starter fluid?
        If the engine starts and runs with the help of starter fluid, your looking at a fuel flow issue.
        Considering the injectors are what you worked on, chances are reasonable that is your issue.


          [quote=”Abopo” post=194908]

          What I’ve done so far is, quadruple check all my work to make sure I hadn’t left any connections un-made, put in a brand new set of ngks, and finally replaced all eight o rings on the injectors themselves.

          If anybody has any ideas, I would be very thankful.[/quote]

          You should never clean injectors with carb cleaner. The last person I know who did this ruined his injectors and is now up for a new set. (Yes I know. A few people have done this and have been lucky enough to get away with it for a period of time at least.) I fully expect you have damaged the injectors now.

          This is why you don’t use CC and I am quoting from an article on the subject……………..

          *** “Never clean clogged injectors with carburetor cleaner because the carburetor cleaner can and will damage filter baskets and other sensitive parts.”

          *** “Never try and clean your dirty or clogged fuel injectors by blowing high pressure compressed air or aerosol cleaners such as brake cleaner etc. directly into them because it will cause damage to the filter baskets and cause debris to get stuck between the pintle valve and housing, causing the pintle valve to become stuck.”

          *** “Always handle your injectors with the utmost care and never drop them because it can cause internal damage, damage to the pintel caps and on some injectors it can even cause the pintle valve tips to get damaged or break off.”

          Chris lopresto

            Bummer! I did test the injectors by manually powering them with aligator clips conected to 12v & ground, and they all sprayed as they should. I don’t know if that means anything. My fuel rail doesn’t have a valve for a gauge, and I don’t have a fuel pressure gauge either. However I did pop the fuel line off the rail again to check, and got a nice spray of gas to the face.
            I’ll go get a can of starting fluid and see what that does later today.

            Chris lopresto

              I bought a set of rebuilt oem injectors off eBay, and after some convincing on the first start, it’s better than before.
              It was definitely overdue for spark plugs and I’m sure at 213k on the odometer the original injectors were a bit tired.
              Moral of the story: Not everybody on YouTube knows what there doing, and it’s worth it to just pony up and get a decent set of rebuilt injectors.

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