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corrutp traffic courts n insurance co.

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge General Discussion corrutp traffic courts n insurance co.

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  • #599994

      The new economic hittman, traffic cops, hungry to assault and damage your car with a fist to the real panel, from behind, sneaks up to the driver side, then yanks door; never identifies himself and is not fully dressed in uniform, then tops it off with a felonious citation for, “improper turning.” The adjacent car, a witness saw the whole thing, she was afraid for her life too, obviously the officer confused me with someone else or just decided to randomly pick its next victim. Traffic hearing rooms, do not follow Constitutional law only Statue rules, so even if you have a great case, with witness, photos,repair receipts and awesome cross examing counters to cops phony testimony and notes, w/times and scene positions, the judge will use your own evidence against you, in favor of the copper’s phony testimony never questioning the police officers prejudice, miss perceptions, poor notes and cops actual witnessing statements. You lose and the insurance rates go up immensely, from $1200 dollars for two cars to $2,888.00 dollars raising premiums! how to fight this corruption is my next step and how to find a lawyer to take on the insurance company, the state and the police mafia, who cover each others proud acts of malfeasance and malicious miss use to the legal system to gain advantage over citizens and to avoid guys like me from getting some justice from their extortions!! I welcome your insights, please!

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