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Cowl Cover Not Perfectly Sealed To Windshield

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here Cowl Cover Not Perfectly Sealed To Windshield

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  • #629139

      Hey, I recently repaired one of my windshield wiper linkage bushings and when I put everything back together, noticed the rubber seal on the cowl cover does not perfectly seal on the windshield. For the first foot on each side it is fine but toward the middle is raised up as far as a 1/4″ in the very middle.
      -Is this ok? Does the seal need to be perfectly waterproof?
      -If not what are your suggestions on how to seal it? Rubber adhesive?



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    • #629154
      Lorrin Barth

        On many cars there’s no effort to make a seal there. The sealing comes from the adhesive on the other side of the glass. So, I think it is just an appearance problem. Probably the plastic has warped.


          I think this is pretty normal – on our van (Honda Odyssey) the cowl is actually wavy where it contacts the windshield – we had it replaced under warranty when the car was relatively new, but the replacement did the same thing. It’s ugly, but looks to be normal (looking at other vehicles on the lot at the time, many were similar) – if I lived somewhere that gets a real winter with lots of road salt being used, I’d probably do something to seal it better.


            Year, make, and model would be helpful. That said, there’s often hooks or clips that need to be placed correctly in order for everything to reconnect properly. Sometimes it takes a bit of fiddling to get it right.


              2007 GMC Sierra 1500 Ext Cab 4×4 4.8L v8

              There were 2 clips on the front of the cowl cover that actually broke off because they were so rusted but they are nowhere near the middle section that is raised up.

              Thank you all for your input!


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