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Craigslist find (Louisville): 1998 Subaru Outback

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge General Discussion Craigslist find (Louisville): 1998 Subaru Outback

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  • #846657

      Saw what looked to be a perfect fix n’ flip or fix and drive deal in the Louisville area:

      From what I read that’s usually a busted CV joint; it has a 5 speed so the usual blown automatic can’t be the culprit. EDIT- Depending on what the seller means apparently the input shaft bearings like to go bad (another common issue), which would cause it to physically not catch/slide to 1st gear. Maybe not a deal (as I hear the trannines are a bear to remove, let alone rebuild).

      I’d hit it myself but between finances and driveway space (and the fact I have never driven stick, although I’ve been itching to for a long time), I can’t. So I figured I’d post it here.

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    • Author
    • #846822

        If it won’t go onto gear it probably has a bad clutch. If I were closer I would snag that in a heartbeat. That car in my location is worth about 3,500 with 200k on the clock. Imho Subaru are some of the easiest cars to work on. But then I work on a ton of them so I have a lot of experience with hem

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