
“Declaration Video”

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  • #534143


      Eric in this video you talked about how at the time its been a year since you made a declaration (relating to the loss of your job) and how it led in a round about way to ETCG. I know the “declaration” was probably on your old channel but I was curious if youd be willing to post the declaration video maybe over on ETCG? I think itd be nice to do perhaps a then and now? and it might help those who have been in your shoes to “look on the bright side”

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    • #534418

        I think I remember what you’re referring to. I shot the video in question a day or so after I got fired. I think I said something to the effect that I was going to piss on my former bosses grave.

        I still have all the old videos from my former channel. I was contemplating posting them so that Premium Members could watch them. I really don’t want to make them ‘public’ as I don’t really have a channel to put them on. Keep in mind that I only had 100 subscribers on my old channel after 2 years.


          I see what you mean. I was thinking maybe for that particular video you could do an ETCG1 : ETCG Then and now and it would really help people understand how you came to be the succes story that you are despite the story really beggining on a very bad day.


            I would love to see those older videos! Most people I know that work on cars cuss, complain, and throw wrenches across the garage when things don’t go right. But you seem like the mild mannered mechanic. You are always cool as a cucumber and I think that’s awesome!….or do we have video editing to thank for this? 😆


              [quote=”ChrisR1987″ post=67656]I see what you mean. I was thinking maybe for that particular video you could do an ETCG1 : ETCG Then and now and it would really help people understand how you came to be the succes story that you are despite the story really beggining on a very bad day.[/quote]

              Honestly what you’re referring to can be found here. It’s not a video but I believe it covers it.


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