
Different kinds of Pattern Failures

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Common Problems/Pattern Failures Different kinds of Pattern Failures

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  • #601837

      this is a theory of mine, i like too classify pattern failures into two kinds, kind of a different thing i want too see what you guys think, something that has been sitting on the back of my mind for a while.

      High Mileage pattern failures.

      Un excused pattern failures

      a High Mileage pattern failure explaned.
      after a long time a cars parts wear out and after a while there is a part that wears out on a car that causes a symptom, and its very common for this part too finally fail and on any car, and this kind of pattern failure in my mind is more acceptable because mechanical things break over time, for example the engine mounts on the 3800 engines finally wear out and cause clunks on the W body cars or the H body cars they cause clunks and engine flex that wears out boots on CV joints, its just something that commonly happens after high mileage.

      Un Excused pattern failures.
      these are the pattern failures that commonly cause recalls, like malfunctioning throttle bodies on the Toyotas and the series III 3800, low as 80,000 miles which these days is brand new car. or 160,000 too 220,000 miles for the lower intake manifold gasket failures and upper plenum leak on the 3800 series II, the reason why they fail is just un excusable, plastic upper plenum that a EGR passage goes through? plastic gaskets that channel coolant through the lower intake manifold when for 20-30 more bucks a metal framed gasket which i have never known too fail could be used instead… or as something as simple as the Evap solenoid on my car that BWD was able too make better… something that could have been avoided buy spending 5-30 extra bucks on a part.

      it makes me think of all the pattern failures and the different kinds, and it makes me think, well this pattern failure could be avoided for 20-30 extra bucks, or this pattern failure happens on other cars too because these parts just wear out.

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    • Author
    • #606804
      Lorrin Barth

        What bothers me is crummy parts that don’t fail. On my wife’s car the rear shocks/struts (whatever is back there) make noise. It sounds like the rear suspension is about to depart the car. There’s a home brew fix on youtube that looks kinda fishy to me. And, since I am cheap, I don’t want to junk parts that are working even though they are complaining about working. So I drive along disgruntled listening to the noise. I’d be happier if the part would just fail. I bet they go 200K.


          LOL! yea you got parts like that, they are wearing out but just won’t fail completely, id just replace the stupid things and get er done, and not have too deal with the noises 😉

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