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Dipstick too short, overfilled by 3 quarts advice.

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here Dipstick too short, overfilled by 3 quarts advice.

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  • #853323
    Zachariah A Lloyd

      I recently have been forced to practically rebuild the front of my car due to an ignorant, drunk fool who slammed into it in the driveway, and this included replacing a punctured oil pan which of course meant I had to refill the oil in the car. :pinch:
      Unfortunately, after adding the required 7 quarts, the dipstick showed no oil at all, so I added another quart, and another, and another, bringing it to 10 quarts I put in there, and still the dipstick showed I had the minimum level. :ohmy:
      Turns out I have the incorrect dipstick for my engine, and the correct one is a little over 3″ longer, which is why it was not showing my oil….
      So, now that I have the correct dipstick, [b][i]I realize that I just added 3 quarts too much oil, and I am seeking advice on how I should proceed please!!
      Thanks in advance!! :woohoo: :woohoo:

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    • Author
    • #853325
      Dave Tidman

        You have some options, you could either do a complete oil change and put in the correct level, or you could try to drain about 3 quarts out by pulling the drain plug and estimating how much drained out, then put the plug in when you think you have drained enough out.


          If you clean the oil pan and use a clean catch pan just drain some out. You can filter and reuse what you catch. I would use coffee filters and use the oil in lawn mowers etc.


            get a 2 quart pitcher… fill it up with oil out of the pan 1.5 times… get correct dipstick… problem solved.

            Joseph C

              Let’s just clarify: at 3 QUARTS OVERFULL (that’s a lot, anything more than 1 is a lot,) is he risking Catastrophic engine damage? (Yes..)

              Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G850A using Tapatalk


                Yes but not the worst I have seen. One time I was walking through a walmart parking lot and saw a couple with about 40 empty 1 quart oil bottles around a Honda Civic and was curious so I stopped and asked what was up and they informed me that the oil light had come on so they decided to “fill it back up” turns out they had kept adding oil until it was literally full up to the top of the filler neck. I told them if they started that engine it would probably explode and told them to call a tow truck and get all of the oil drained and the low oil pressure diagnosed by a mechanic and the oil light does not mean it’s low on oil but low on oil pressure. I don’t think they got it ….. but at least I tried.

                My Nameis

                  I recently had to take a quart out of my car due to a quick lube place being careless.

                  I opted to suck it out through the dipstick using a syringe and some tubing that fit into the dipstick hole

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