
DIY engine mount repair/solid mount

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Repair Central-The ‘How To’ Forum DIY engine mount repair/solid mount

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  • #495551

      OK so I thought I would post my experence.

      I wrote this up afew years back when I did my EF build and updated it with a 7th gen mount I did recently.

      Disclaimer: Do it at own risk.

      One assumes you have all the engine mounts out the car.
      (The EF mounts below.) Posted Sun Sep 16, 2007 1:54 pm
      They are STILL IN THE CAR and going fine.[/b]

      Bad pics I know…

      1: get your engine mounts out of the car.
      2: wash them…

      I am useing Vortex engine cleaner, this stuff makes your skin peel after a few days if you get it on your hands…

      3: before setp 1 buy a DIY windscreen install kit form Commercial Auto Glass R70.

      4: Once you have cleaned the mount, clean it again with meths and a clean rag and pull it through the mount.

      Here you can see a crack in my mount.

      5: Fill it up with the rubber glue form the windscreen install pack.

      6: Smooth it out with a putty knife.

      7: Add some of the harder over the wet rubber glue.

      8: Allow to dry for 24 hours (48 hours to be safe).

      [B](I should have placed the hardner on the mount first)[/B]

      The 7th gen bit.[/B]

      Ironicly the same front gearbox mount broke which is the same mount displayed above in the EF part. haha
      This was causing the “klonck” when I droped the cluch on the 7th gen and wheelhop on fast take offs.

      This is the mount after a good clean up.
      I drilled hole in it for the glue to have somthing to hold onto.

      Adding the hardener which comes in the kit.

      I needed this to dry fast to put it in the sun (not the best idea)


      The outer layer blew up in the sun and got an air bubble.
      The mount is still solid so I reinstelled it (I as need the car)
      I have not driven the car since it was installed the date of writing this.
      7tg gen civic frount mount still in the car and 100%.[/b]

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    • Author
    • #495559

        How much did this whole thing cost you?


          [quote=”celticbhoy” post=46842]How much did this whole thing cost you?[/quote]

          In my money R80 for the cleaner (for 2L so didnt use all of it) so 7 USD

          and R70 for the glue so thats like 6 USD.

          compared to what mounts cost here its a joke 🙂


            Did this in my subaru legacy turbo. It’s a toy that sits in my garage, only comes out to play ie: icefishing, rallyx, autox. Bit of a frankenstien, got all sorts of go fast parts.

            Anyways exact same process but I used polyurethane construction adhessive. A tube cost under 10 bucks, used probably 3 tubes. Did all my engine/trans/dif mounts. Also did my strut top hats and drilled some holes in some old swaybar endlinks and put the stuff in there for kicks. Works really well. Stiffens everything right up and it’s been 2 years going with no issues. The downside, not a problem for my needs but if my dailydriver rattled like the beast does it’d drive me nuts.

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