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ETCG Answers Questions Live #30 11/19/2014

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge The EricTheCarGuy Video Forum ETCG Answers Questions Live #30 11/19/2014

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  • #634680

      This WAS going to be my last show. I’m happy to report that I’ll be doing these for a bit longer. That said, this was my first show in a while and I’m happy to be back. What are your thoughts?

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    • #634712
      Thomas Ferry

        Damn, I always miss em. oh well I like watching the VOD of it. I love that you are willing to answer questions on the spot live. Im happy you aren’t gonna stop doing them but understand that you might have to at some point in the future.


          [quote=”Jinzo” post=119181]Damn, I always miss em. oh well I like watching the VOD of it. I love that you are willing to answer questions on the spot live. Im happy you aren’t gonna stop doing them but understand that you might have to at some point in the future.[/quote]

          Actually I’m finding that I have less and less time to answer questions here on the forum. With that in mind, doing live shows where I answer viewer questions is a good way to handle this issue. For that reason I’ll probably always have some way to answer questions live in this manner. If not the Google+ hang outs, then a podcast of some sort.

          Thanks for your input.

          Carl Rossman

            Greasy urs aired car grady’s yours air cargo here back again with another live show where I sometimes but your names and answer your automatic questions first thanks for watching and or just get this out of the way now yes I am partially dressed like and f1 fan boy part a reason for that is that I late last month I was down in Austin for the a on rates down there a graciously invited by my friends at Shell which were totally awesome also got hang out with a few but you to Prince also when I was in las vegas it seem I ran into somebody there who is also on you to go back he remembers channel but he was a member of the chives he encouraged me to get this year which I just got the other day and a said if I sported on one of my YouTube videos that millions of subscribers would come but we’re we’ll see but the shirt is comfortable and it also benefits will be better so we like those kinds of things so that we’ve gotten those pleasantries other way what we move on to the topic at hand which is I am here to answer your Automotive questions now there are a few let’s call them rules let’s say and a the first those rules as I will be taking questions from the Google Plus page of for this show if you’re watching us on YouTube I can see the questions that he posts there so I won’t be answering your questions that you post that you do comments to the YouTube video parties for that are also questions that are posted after the show has concluded will not be answered but there will be another show in two weeks I had said unless show that this would be my last live Google+ show that is not going to be the case I was going to move everything over to a hour-long weekly podcast those players didn’t quite work out like a plan so we’re just gonna keep rolling on with Google+ for now but once again you got the window as far as like right now in fact work out like on questions this evening so if you have questions feel free to throw up their I believe I have enough to get the show but it’s always nice to have just a couple too many now if I don’t get your question here on youtube or wherever the release no description for lots of things that are discussed in this but also more portly will be late to the air our guy dot com website where you can go and get answers to automotive issues 24/7 365 in all kinds of ways as well video to tell you about all that not to go through all that now %uh but I will say buts its lecture yet the next you up to this as I said this was going to be my last show but it’s not going to be the last year we’re gonna keep going on with Google+ for while that show will be on December 3rd so you if I miss you question tonight feel free to do it then and actually right now I’ve had a lot of work how the spencer piled up since I got back my trips to both Austin in Las Vegas Austin prep one Las Vegas receiver and I got an in camera and the new camera footage is I love needed to get snow editing software go with that because my old editing software didn’t work with the camera too well super busy right now so I have been spending as much time on for me as I usually do was result that those be there they’re looking for me apologize for being there but we can do these live shows for a bit and I carried on now for good four minutes I should definitely run long what this show just like him gets you %uh your questions which is why I’m here so enough for the pleasantries I’m happy back and thank you for watching once yet let’s just job rating are discussed Arbonne work my way up a Chris Rojas which i’ve seen me know i doing Chris higher I keep hearing different things about exhaust and its impact on performance and fuel economy be on sound as much fun exhaustive any impact on performance and fuel economy in your opinion depends on the vehicle many modern vehicles they pretty much got most above the exhausts tuned in there are upgrades however and it depends on how much they they to net exhaust to conform to noise regulations things like that see manufactures will they make things especially these days I mean engineer every little detail are now with computer-aided engineering programs that type stuff it makes engineering a far cry from what used to be many years ago it was penned the paper that type of thing so they’ve taken those opportunities to really dilated a new vehicle and every single component is maids who fulfill a function as much as I possibly can so they’ve really engineered out a lot of the modification that you can do to increase things like fuel economy especially cuz they want it covered car companies want their average York on b2b as high as possible therefore they they reduce weight they they James the tuning up the engine they do all these things many many many things read over the tires that they choose to get the maximum amount of fuel economy for the price that they’re willing to pay for the manufacture of that vehicle modify exhaust for the most part these days that to answer your question chris its it’s more for you than it is for fuel economy and those types of things yes you can get a little more performance in some instances but like I said manufactures have done a pretty good job get you the most you can get out the exhaust system at this and if you start but some with that you might just take it out at that optimum range that was in in actually decreased performance in some cases I would suggest if you’re looking for particular exhaust to you do a little research I go online and find out any dynamometer testing at that’s most important that would tell you if there’s a power increase like actual testing instead of people just saying are you going to get 20 percent better fuel economy just by bolting on this exhaust well they’re trying to sell you an exhaust whether or not that’s actually the case and how did they get those numbers the what kind of conditions the day create in order to get the best number possible because the people that make these aftermarket parts back that meant a lot that recently work very hard to some other parts us they were they wanna make them a good quality so the good quality companies will take the time to give you those numbers what you know what her performance and fuel economy increases macey so those those car companies some other companies that don’t have names may be is that was so right EVA something like that I owe you may be just buying something that sounds different and may not last as long so yes it can because obviously the exhaust getting on the edge this equally as important as getting Aaron so it it can have an effect but it can be an adverse effect and these days many vehicles are dial there about as good as they’re gonna be dialed in and there’s not a whole lot room for modification in some cases I just depends on the vehicle that type thing how far you let me go got plenty money to spend a have a part all right let’s move on I think I i dance troupe topical little bit you are we have dare and Lori a haircut over 2,000 to Jeep Liberty limited b6 that has a hundreds 73,000 miles on it I’ve been driving it for two weeks and no sabe operation at 25 to 30 and 50 to 60 ish miles per hour I’m from I’m share shade tree mechanic an all wood have bet a paycheck that it was bad you joy but I had them changed and it’s still there I seriously doubt that it’s a tire or a transmission issue because it seems to be the same frequency is the as drive shaft or something in the final drive it doesn’t change with engine rpm or order overdrive on of or swerving from left to right with only actual speed of the vehicle I it is a very low pitched vibration kinda like sitting at a red light mister be a call with the budget subs that it’s serious enough %uh that sometimes that vibrates the whole vehicle other times not nearly as bad which makes it much more difficult to narrow down the front for work for a record right line seems to be fine as does the front CV axles and will brings this is a sneaky one also the heater is blowing barely warm air the plan doors seem to be working just by hearing the axe we run in both your core hoses feel hot had an issue with overheating and had the radiator clean I figure the heater core may be almost stopped up just letting enough through the Global War what you think I let’s %uh break this down they ran into a problem one your vibration the this speed is important and and vibrations in fact that Britain entire article on this which though we are going to in the description the vibrations are are cyclical meaning that they they happen at a certain frequency discovered that you got this 25 to 30 and 50 to 60 ish almost every time you have a vibration at 50 to 60 miles per hour its attire bouts issue I know you say that tires and everything a good by it could be a faulty tire special day bigger tires maybe on it something like that me i i do you say that you the tires a good with the first place I would go in this situation is checking the tires and probably the easiest thing to do was rotate the tires front back and then drive it and see if that vibration changes goes away something of that nature now I had a a friend of mine with a Dodge about the same page its many moons ago the also had a similar issue and it wasn’t so much the u-joints but the drive line balance itself I believe was the issue at this is so the other or a long time ago so you can’t really hold me to this but there was a long thread that we went through and we you know in what we went this tires what did everything it turned out to be the balance up the actual drive shaft rear wheels that was the issue because that is a rotating assembly rotating assemblies need to be couched those vibrations being cyclical if there is imbalance in the manufacture the drive shaft there for whatever reason it’s got its its weight is off that will create what’s called residents and that residences that vibration that you eventually I feel so I would recommend starting with the tires personal the rotation see changes if it does change take it again get the tires balanced and find out how farther out the bigger the tire the more weight can go on that to keeping in line another thing I’ve noticed is they had if you ever used fix a flat in any your wheels this totally screwed up but also the wheels and tires now because got that liquid that’s inside their the goes everywhere all over the place II had tires that are trying to balance and do which is the possible to do because they were filled with this liquid fix a flat which totally screws up so if you have you something like fix a flat past I N your tires the first thing I would do is get that stuff out there get rebalanced you know fix whatever the culture was the replace tire whatever you need to do makes you tired to go first because everything you’re describing sounds high ridge to me first place to go second place a is now the balancing of the drive shaft that may be a little more involved because you have to remove the drive shaft taking to address especially place and have them check it there was also a an old-school method of putting hose clamps on a drive shaft that use it light on the engine that right time now with the polls is that the creche ap it I wouldn’t go there I wouldn’t go there’s as far as trying to balance your and Russia something of that nature first look at tires note that now is for you he problem number one thing always check if you don’t have your vehicle is for air in the cooling system if there’s any kind where the court system it will affect the heat output because normally that Iran’s outside the inner core and what you may notice when you accelerate all said you got a little heat there for a second and then it goes away that is classic Aaron cooling system so there’s their pocket inside there when you accelerate that cool actually sir cycles through the heater core and you start you know you get a little bit burst he and then once you’re cruising again that RPM’s are down that doesn’t work that doesn’t allow why the court to cycle through the heater core which is what gives you he already said that both oppose the heater core hot that pretty much tells me that unique or most likely as not clock if it was clogged what you’ll notice is one hose being hot you know I’m being luke warm or cold that would indicate that there’s a clock in here core however new always also wanna check the operation up the heater control valve which is normally about this located somewhere in one of those hoses going to the heater core to show our courts look through the heater core during periods like when you’re using your air conditioner Goodell necessarily your ace your heater to be honest as your AC is working because the battery is actually before the heater core so I look for a recording system for that there’s the release a description to the articles are written on both those things about that stuff I’m moving on we have led then till a higher if I turn the key and my Kubota tractor it’s also Japanese sometimes starts sometimes clicks in the other dudes other and clicks and does not turn the engine any ideas and the batteries are in good health actually I when you say the berries are in good health it’s hard it’s it’s hard to determine exactly what you mean because I’ve even got brand new batters off-the-shelf that were bad because maybe they weren’t stored properly made a set for Aug your time maybe it was just the manufacturer the battery hard to say it’s imperative in these situations always load test the battery or do you use an inductance tester that that these through some sort of black magic Council the electrodes inside bills whether it’s good or bad doesn’t load on it uses that different method to find out if the battery is in fact good us so the first thing you want to do here is absolutely make sure the batteries a good don’t just say they’re good make sure they’re good and when I say that I say low test them or use the contest sir the next thing I checked is your connections thank you I can stress I even made a video about this because I i’ve had cars coming and and they had those were really cheap battery connectors which you know they were gonna pitch for sure but they really corrode overtime and that creates a serious issue with the connection at Battery 8-cell or week rip the wire down into it that’s also place for that can cause an issue I think snow start problems just like laying battery terminals in the past you re so always the first place look is the battery and its connections and the situations I if those are all good the next thing to do is to take a good look starter oppose the legal descriptions my video about star testing was you can do all this drug test you can also check to see if you’re getting a signal down to the songwriter the starter for it even engage but if you’re getting a click that usually means that their is current flow but it’s not able to flow so reaches a certain point either because a bad connection or because there’s just not not use the battery to push through that circuit so that’s that’s usually what you see there a are med bono air a change the oil in my dad’s 2003 Camry last weekend it has a hundred eighty thousand miles on it in its been 8,000 miles since the last change I’ve been using Valley max like oil and a Purolator pure one oil filter for the last four years 60,000 miles I’ve brought the engines operating temperature before during the PM the oil was very and almost water is a great I was expecting a more viscous fluid I had noticed this happening for the last two to three oil changes the used oil colour was normal a check the radio to care for a potential cross-contamination between the oil and coolant but that was normal to what are you thoughts could this be a sign of something serious also when checking engine oil should you pull the dip stick with the engine on or off thank you aren’t met %ah I would describe it as normal condition optically at that mileage and you’re not doing anything wrong honestly I would say eight thousand miles and that that the Holy Mass like well is a synthetic oil I and it’s also quite good filter that you have there I grade oil particularly warm oil and it comes out like that it’s almost it’s almost like water many times and after that I’m on my lips yeah it’s gonna break dow optically if you’ve done a lot of city driving about hard-driving that type thing it will tend to break the although a bit quicker but I wouldn’t say that there is anything to be concerned about their especially since the oil color was correct oil will change viscosity so to speak as the temperature changes so the warmer it gets the easier of low the colder it gets less was the flow also I did a video with some engineers from bellowing that that we go into detail about this Cassie and the types of things to do in use but as far as your situations concerned light I’m not seen anything you’re doing wrong I don’t think that there’s anything that really be concerned about a I would just keep an eye on your level the springs you me to your second question was I would you pull the dipstick to check the engine oil the needs to be off and not running when you check the engine oil the reason is because as the engine runs a lotta oils actually up inside the engine also in some instances the dipstick may come in contact with the moving parts the engine if its running and that could be a bad thing none of them but some because a weird like that but some be your vehicles that we have a dipstick so consider yourself lucky that being said make sure you’re on a level surface also thats also important because if your partner hillary check the oil that all the oils in the back at hand as your parked on a hill or anything like that that’s not going to give you an accurate reading so make sure you’re a level surface my favorite time to check the oil is first thing in the morning before the engine is started up that will give you the best rating in my opinion so if you wanna check your oil before he fired up first thing in the morning note that there should check the oil level if it’s not let local service and that she give you your most accurate reading we gonna the who looks like Charles was answering your question as well on a let’s see a any Boise higher gonna happen over 32 a rather the I was there at four that has a rough I’ll it started its its Taryn dies rpm goes up and down then dies if you tried to start it will only start for a few seconds check engine light on then die again the problems started when we spray broken here on throw body in the small inlet going into the air Trowell after spring the car starts again for a few minutes then goes back to the old problem I’ll opened at No we’re at the engine up to 4,000 rpm after that it dies again now the car when you insert just cracking up any idea what the problem think again okay um you obviously have an issue with the idol possibly the idle control valve I is it’s what I’m thinking soaking down I’ll parts like that is not always the best option II as far as exactly what happened it’s difficult say however you can give us that clue you said the check engine light was on well a great many do is plug in and see what code you have there if you have a code that says its lien then look for a fucking week for sure but it at but if you have a code that says it’s Lena possibly one for the idle air control valve which at this point may be malfunctioning by the sound I its from from what I’m reading there there is too much air there’s some kinda idle mixture issue here %uh so the fact that it’s not starting its like it’s like yeah I in some instances if you were holding you you there’s his too much air not enough your a lot of times I in that situation so exactly what to do first I recommend pulling most check ins like codes and seeing what we have I hands the as far as next market how to replace the idler job well because I honestly don’t know if that’s the case but we recommend that you go to the link them because the description about idle problems and many of them were caused by backing weights now those backing leaks can be caused by malfunctioning idle air control well it’s basically they’re just the mother bear going at the engine likes a quitter in the air conditioning on into idle up a little bit that creates extra load sometimes electrical loads like it’s a rear defogger something of that nature that that taxes the electrical system that raises the idle steering one-year parallel parking so the engines at a relatively low RPM you’re putting a good load on it with the power steering system the other job out controls all that so if it’s not functioning in stock opener and some opposition not working properly for whatever reason it could also be more wiring and connectors so it I’m not gonna say shocking it’s Roy Miller lol but based on your description what you’ve done in the fact the that little hole goes right you gotta learn job well the one that some products robotic us if you feel that up with salt and some got into a place where it’s not supposed to go could cause an issue there could have caused an issue there but I can’t say for sure but at least you got something did go on trial at least some direction we got Carlos nine years here electrical problem over 2,000 Acura TL three points you I’m having problems with my shit release lock I have no problem physically shifting into any here or coming out of car but as I’m driving I can hear the lock engaging and disengaging fradically superfast this will happen maybe 2-3 seconds every time fits intermittent and nothing I do triggers it it’s extremely randomfbut does happen every time I Drive when I start to diagnose where do I start to diagnose the problem thanks very familiar with that vehicle um and one thing that I that I have seen quite often I was things that gets spilled on the console go rate down in that shifter assembly and i’ve seen it ’cause all kinds of problems and the stuff that ok we know there are huge it’s not that difficult to remove the console and shifter all that stuff but I’ll just say that if its own point I’m you suspect somebody might have lost a drink or something down in that area it’s all sticky in just below yuck then that might be the direction I would go and perhaps a good cleaning will help you many times that there’s problems with shipp lock releases its other brake light switch and other be a college very common fill your point for the brake light switch to go bad but not only with the causes that inability to get the vehicle out Park because you needed depress the brake pedal and he needs to see done that the ship lock release will release so I’m guessing maybe something got stalled on the console go in there do some cleaning soap and water you know like just regular dish soap and water a wants to go clean that stuff I you can not the pin out that holds this chapter in place and Paul that holds them we are it’s actually gonna be a lot easier to clean that way a but that’s that’s direction I would go if they were sticky stuff general counsel now there isn’t any sticky stuff the council itself like a connection issue somewhere something is not connecting now exactly what that is it’s hard to say maybe maybe somebody had to cancel out the installing a stereo something at that age your baby page 2 wire I but if it were me I might focus my search in that area where the problem is if nothing else to get my eyes I to try to see if I like it you know giggles something rounder find the source is a malfunction that way good luck who a lead your yesterday question but a we got time for a couple more let’s see if anybody in use job Jen a in Liam Lee says what do I do with a transmission is non serviceable and what go okay a believer back sorry for that brief interruption there not sure what happened there I’m plugged into the wall with the internet so that should not occur apologies for that but we were talking about transmissions being %uh serviceable or no answers Lord is non serviceable parts in general the I guess that manufactures are moving toward that and they don’t watch touching it so it’s the modern vehicles they’ve extended service your goals to also keep maintenance costs down there at their advertisement maintenance cost as far as telling you what vehicle by pick a color is as well say that there’s just that’s the can of worms and then some a well it’s the a Joseph Garlits Carly’s I hear how are you I have a 2000 Maxima with the misfire issue after it warms up it will misfire often I employed the quote that’s one by one until I got to one that caused no change to the engine roughness very good you get a power belts test at San excellent diagnostic tool a change the spark plug with no improvement on next on my list is the Quail Creek anything he said to call cause a misfire thanks for your help in fact I yes the fuel injector I nissan’s in my experience have had issues with your doctors and that is when the classic symptoms I don’t think you have a spark problem you could very easily check for the spark will spark tester I’ll would probably be the best way to check the output attack will pack but I’m I’m going to wager that a I would turn my attention to the fuel injector at that point but also check for backing wakes because back in weeks can also cause misfires like that but a consistent misfire well with power how about just like that is usually on misting spark or fuel and you covered the sparkle part I’ll and you can easily test to see if the quarterback is putting out so do that and that should tell you where to go next but I would the fuel injector wants you what you had that a right real quick Rick M had a 2003 Cavalier Cummins day they have just bought it a new battery in there ruptured split the whole casing we thought it was possibly damaged in shipping so I put a new one and started it up and watched it bobbled after about 10 seconds running a shut-off customer got it towed to make garage and not to run and so whatever is wrong with it its specs what causes that I would say that’s over charging issue perhaps the voltage regulator was bad we all share or if there’s some other external voltage regulation control I’ll be checking to see you know what what that all teachers a bit about 15 bolts then yeah thats definitely overcharging it should go about 15 in that instance sue that covers that one and I think that about wraps it up I think we’re at the a a well about the half hour mark that being said it’ll give me time to close things out for you once again if you’re posing the questions after the hangout is over I will be asking answering those questions there also if you’re watching this on you too I can’t see those questions that will be answered those questions either but if you do have a little more questions I would ask the head over air cargo dot com other welcome be a there to tell you about all of our amazing features to help you with whatever issues should you have them also check description at this video many other things I talked about discussed I will put links down there give me a few minutes to get that together but they’re including a discussion about this video so you’ll have lots of information come through if you have issues I the next show will be on December third and a if you wish to correct me socially I can be found I’m Google+ Facebook and Twitter my clothes each my videos including these live events with be safe have fun and stay dirtyand once again I thank you for watching really appreciate it ok its next time in December.

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