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Feeling of lateral movement while driving?

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here Feeling of lateral movement while driving?

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  • #858002
    Gareth RandallGareth Randall

      My 2003 Escape gives me a sensation that the car is moving laterally when under acceleration at freeway speeds. I don’t mean that it’s actually drifting side-to-side, but I get a seat-of-the-pants feeling that there’s a small but noticeable amount of side-to-side movement from the chassis, especially when taking curves at freeway speed.

      I guess this would most likely be down to worn suspension bushings?

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    • Author
    • #858003
      Dave TidmanDave Tidman

        could also be tires. Try rotating front to back and see if the sensation changes…

        A toyotakarlIts me

          A seat of the pants feeling like you describe is a textbook symptom of unbalanced rear tires.


            OR LOW PSI

            Gareth RandallGareth Randall

              Thanks to everyone for the suggestions. I finally got it up on the jackstands to take a proper look, and the front right lower control arm is in need of replacement – the ball joint is on its last legs and the bushings are shot. I think I may have found my problem 🙂

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