
G’day All

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  • #838941

      G’day all, my name is Chris and I’m from the small farming town of Atherton in Far North Queensland, Australia. Yes if anyone is wondering, I do ride a Kangaroo to work everyday ;).

      Anyways, past couple of years I have developed a passion for working on cars and I mainly work on my 75 Series ute and the family’s 05 CRV or the ‘Soccermummobile’ as I like to call it. I also service the neighbors Commodore in exchange for the lawn getting mowed, mowing just doesn’t tickle me fancy :P. I am an avid four wheel driver and any chance I get, I’m out on the beaten tracks in low range; breaking something more often than not on the ole crusty cruiser and I need to brush up on some bush mechanic skills, that’s where Eric comes in. Been watching his videos online now for some time and I just really appreciate all the info, tips-tricks and laughs, Good stuff 🙂 . I’m still a young Padawan but I am eager to learn!

      Looking forward to picking some brains here on the forums.


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    • Author
    • #838948
      college mancollege man

        G’day Mate and welcome to the forum. 🙂

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