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General video observation / pet peeve

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge ETCG Suggestion Box General video observation / pet peeve

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  • #506685
    Jonathan StiverJonathan Stiver

      Hey Eric The Car Guy, I’m so glad I caught onto your YouTube channel. I’ve watched probably 40-50 of your videos by now between the two channels. Excellent excellent material and discussion, can’t thank you enough for your help and insight into the machines & the industry.

      I do, however, have one little bone to pick. I’m all about staying dirty, but I’ve noticed in several videos you getting inside cars or taking test drives with your work gloves/clothes still on. I make it a point to keep the engine grease out of the interior as much as possible, particularly on someone elses car. Changing clothes for a 5 min test drive I understand is a PITA esp going back to work afterwards, but c’mon those nitrile gloves pop off in seconds and cost pennies! 😉

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    • #506754
      EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

        I appreciate your observations but know 2 things. I worked for a luxury car line for 8 years and never had an issue with leaving grease in someones car. I’m talking about brand new cars here, very expensive ones. Also, the vehicles in the videos are not ‘customers’ cars, they are friends, family, or my own vehicles. You may think I’m leaving grease in someones car but I’m not. If I do, I clean it up.

        Thanks for your input.

        Jonathan StiverJonathan Stiver

          Thanks for the reply, ETCG. No harm or accusations meant, just something I noticed. I’m guilty of doing it myself in the past so I guess I’m on guard for it now lol! I’m sure somebody would cry to high heaven if there was even a microscopic smudge in their pretty little new TSX 😀

          By all means then, stay dirty!!!

          Jonathan StiverJonathan Stiver

            In the spirit of the Last of 2013 / First of 14 videos, I wanted to apologize for what I said here. I really didn’t mean to accuse Eric of anything or insinuate that procedures shown were improper… How I should have phrased this was “How do you Stay Dirty while keeping the interior of cars clean?” I still have problems tracking grease and crud into cars I’m working on despite a few old habits I’ve worked hard to break…


              I try to keep customers cars clean but sometimes you’re in a rush and don’t take the time to make sure you’re spotless before road testing cars.

              For customers I don’t like I do try my best to hold a fart until I have to road test their car. 😳

              Kevin CriswellKevin Criswell

                When I was in a full blown shop environment I had the techs use the plastic snap on seat covers I bought.

                Now, working at the house? I wear a one piece Nomex jumpsuit over my clothes and take it off when it is test drive time.

                Jonathan StiverJonathan Stiver

                  Yeah I need like head to toe body armor pretty much haha. I manage to get greasy in the weirdest places even when doing something that’s not even very messy. Oh well, stay dirty and have a clean-bodied assistant or a shower nearby 😉

                  Lorrin BarthLorrin Barth

                    Another guy doing video production works on Subaru engines on his driveway. He wears shorts, a sleeveless shirt, nice watch and never gloves. I watch his videos trying to learn how not to get dirty because he never is. Well, I did see a smudge on his finger once. Anyway, I am completely stumped, I get black changing a tire.

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