
Hail dents

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge The Body Shop Hail dents

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  • #868494

      My old car has some hail dings on the trunk and I want to improve the appearance by removing the small dents without having to paint.
      What I don’t know is things like whether to begin by applying pressure to the very lowest point or to work around the edges first, for example.
      I’m great at reading and then doing things but have found nothing to read on the topic.

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    • #868519

        If the dents aren’t to bad then you might try using a heat gun or a really hot hair dryer and then immediately using a can of keyboard duster turned upside down and they may pop out.

        This may take several attempts to get the metal to shrink back.

        Just make sure that you don’t overheat the paint to the point of blistering it


          Appreciate the reply, Ty.
          I’d like to try doing something a little less risky to the paint than heating and rapid cooling.

          I’ve been hoping one or more of the body shop guys will chime in the way that so many helpful techs do on the repair forums.

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