
help on removing a stuck cv axle

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  • #866591

      i have a 2000 kia sephia and i pulled th engine trans to fix another problem but i can not get the axle out of the transmission in order to safely put the trans back in. i have tried pry bar, going in from the other side and also using a homemade puller, and at no prevail. please help

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    • Author
    • #866606
      college man

        Soak it with penetrating oil and let it sit over night. If you have an air hammer with
        a pickle fork. Put the pickle fork in between the cv and transfer case or whack the
        shaft to break the rust.


          [quote=”college man” post=173983]Soak it with penetrating oil and let it sit over night. If you have an air hammer with
          a pickle fork. Put the pickle fork in between the cv and transfer case or whack the
          shaft to break the rust.[/quote]
          also twist back and forth when trying to remover it… if you dont have an air hammer you can have a buddy use a reg hammer and tap it reatetly when you try removing it…. its not the hammering stringth its the number of hammers you hit it…. so like a 8 oz hammer would be good…. just have them hit it reapeatly fast when you try to remove it…. thats what an impact hammer or inpact wrench does

          what I think is happening is there is a ring that is on the teeth that are getting stuck or the seal is stuck….. you also might want to replace the seal just incase… just be ready for a bunch of trans fuild to come out some just leak a little some will dump like the whole transmission fluid


            Next time post to orginal post instead of making a new post. I rebuild a few transmissions and will say this does not look good. I would try wood on cv axle then hit wood with LARGE HAMMER but you must make sure transmission does NOT move. Next I would strap transmission to something soild while using a rachet style chainfall to pull on axle. Keep us updated.

            Its me

              You need a sharp shock from a hammer or pry bar to pop it out.

              My technique is to use a pry bay and use a quick jarring motion to pop it. If it does not go, turn the axle 30 degrees or so and repeat… keep repeating that technique untll it pops out… it will pop…



                i got it out by going out and buying a 6 foot long pry bar and just wacking it with a sludge hammer. flew across the concrete. i had already drained the tranny because i took the tranny out of the car with the axle in it. thanks for the help guys.

                college man

                  [quote=”AndWhat11″ post=174012]i got it out by going out and buying a 6 foot long pry bar and just wacking it with a sludge hammer. flew across the concrete. i had already drained the tranny because i took the tranny out of the car with the axle in it. thanks for the help guys.[/quote]

                  Glad you got it. 😉

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