

  • Creator
  • #585588

      so im new to the site but not new to etcg been a fan for a while. name is Nick im 22 and ive been working on cars since i bought my first one (97 dodge neon) ive had 3 more since than and i still have 2 of them a 2002 mazda protege which i cant get running… yet and a 97 mustang gt which also needs a bit of work. but i have worked on alot of different cars both foreign and domestic and ive done all kinds of work from brakes to head gaskets to full rebuilds…which is why the mazda isnt running yet lol but im working on it also i did post a tread on here about it if any one has any suggestions but ill check on the forum and see if i can help anyone else out in the mean time

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    • Author
    • #585614
      college man

        Hi Nick and welcome. 🙂

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