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  • hi guys ! anybody restoring cars out there ?

hi guys ! anybody restoring cars out there ?

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge The Body Shop hi guys ! anybody restoring cars out there ?

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  • #544715

      hello ,
      recent subscriber but long time fan of eric and all the help he provides to folks .would like to hear from folks and what they are working on .
      i think it would be cool to get the body work side of forum going good . i have for many years been in paint,powder coating,and metal fab industries . I find a lot of the forums out there full of misinformation and not overly good for the DIY people out there( but not eric the car guy ) .
      right now i am currently working on…
      1984 oldsmobile delta 88, 80000 miles needing much love due to being forgotten about in a storage facility BUT FINALLY almost ready for paint
      “datsun 620 pickup driver” most likely already sold by the time anybody reads this :cheer: .
      thanks and don’t be shy :stick:

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    • #545272

        Got pics?

        Well i just joined. Really like Eric so signed up.

        Bad info is widespread wherever you go. Opinions and the conflicts within those parameters are as common as fleas on a dog. With that said its always best to research your stuff if ya don’t know whats going on b4 finding closure or what in your opinion is sound procedure. Best wishes…


          Old post, but I am into that. I am going to buy a 88 Fiero GT for the cheaps, and fix er up. I got an MR2 for my daily driver though! I honestly love the approach of replacing parts with stock ones.

          Kevin CriswellKevin Criswell

            I do VW Beetles from time to time, only the mechanicals and frame, goes to another guy to do the body work.


              I work at a higher end body shop.

              Right now we are doing a full restoration of a 1998 Chevy 1500. OEM cab corners, doors, and hood. Everything else was salvageable.

              We recently just finished a complete respray of a 2006 Ford F-250.

              Before that was a Second Gen Miata that received a complete colour change, that was a fun job.

              We’ve done some collision work on a couple of Porsche GT3 Cup cars. THAT was cool, tearing apart a race car is always fun.

              I also just took ownership of an all original, factory finish 1992 Integra. I’ll be working on it at home before bringing it to work to be painted. Won’t get painted for another month or so.

              Jerry GillesJerry Gilles

                I have a 49 chevy pick-up that needs love and care. Just did a major tune up and got it running . I will start body sanding soon., No rust holes . She is rock solid.

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