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Honda Odyssey Loud Buzzing from Air Conditioning

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here Honda Odyssey Loud Buzzing from Air Conditioning

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  • #461950

      Two things start to turn

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    • #461954

        So I’ve posted the same video on reddit’s /r/cartalk, and someone posted that it’s probably the compressor itself._x000D_
        How do you tell whether it’s the clutch assembly or the compressor? And if it’s only the clutch assembly, must the whole thing (compresso

        John B KobberstadJohn B Kobberstad

          [quote]Quoted From tropicalfish:_x000D_
          So I’ve posted the same video on reddit’s /r/cartalk, and someone posted that it’s probably the compressor itself._x000D_
          How do you tell whether it’s the clutch assembly or the compressor? And if it’s only the clutc

          college mancollege man

            I see online that the

            college mancollege man

              the buzzing would have to be caused from the coil for_x000D_
              clutch engagement. I don’t know if that piece is replaceable.


                Unfortunately, like I said above, the sound isn’t from a leaf or anything stuck in the cooling fan. The sound does not come from there and the cooling fan does work normally._x000D_

                college mancollege man

                  The piece I’m talking about is on your ac compressor._x000D_
                  when the compressor is powered a coil makes the ac_x000D_
                  clutch engage._x000D_

                  EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

                    This is a tough one.

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