
How Much Did the Fairmont Cost?

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  • #884426
    EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

      Everything has a price I suppose. That said, cars like the Fairmont are only done when you sell them. This is the most accurate representation of what the Fairmont cost to date. Keep in mind that I have just about everything to build the Mustang too. In short, I got almost 2 vehicles for the price of one.

      At least that’s what I keep telling myself.

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    • #884485

        Can’t be too surprised about cooling issues, seeing as how your rad is sandwiched between the intercooler and AC condenser.

        It’ll take a bit of fabbing, but a trunk-mounted intercooler, appropriately ducted and mounted inside its own enclosure, could take some of the heat load off your rad.

        EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

          I think I’m going to make a video about this because a lot of people seem to have an opinion about it.

          The new fans solved the problem.

          Like I said, driving down the highway it was fine. It was just at low speeds or sitting in traffic where it would get hot. That clearly indicates an airflow problem. Doubling the CFM of the fans solved the issue. At least for now. The true test will be in the summer when I run the AC, but so far that doesn’t look like it will be a problem.

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