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How To Clean, Prep, and Paint a Differential

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge The EricTheCarGuy Video Forum How To Clean, Prep, and Paint a Differential

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  • #861256

      The next step after tearing the differential down was to prep it for reassembly. This video covers how I did that. My biggest regret with this one was not wearing a mask during the stripping part. Should you do this process, I highly recommend you wear a dust mask while removing the dirt and rust from the housing.

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    • #861260
      Brian Burke

        You did a great job with the wire wheels. Impressive. Two questions. What’s the liquid used in your parts washer? Acetone? Also, ever think of getting a media blasting rig? I think I would find rusty metal just to use it for fun. There’s something peaceful about that process. haha

        James P Grosso

          Ok I’m waiting for the tool review of the new blast cabinet 🙂

          Fernando cunha

            good job Eric.
            good enough for a dif should last a while.
            not easy job all the cleaning involved.
            great video thanks for not making exclusive.


              [quote=”bkord123″ post=168664]You did a great job with the wire wheels. Impressive. Two questions. What’s the liquid used in your parts washer? Acetone? Also, ever think of getting a media blasting rig? I think I would find rusty metal just to use it for fun. There’s something peaceful about that process. haha[/quote]

              Mineral spirits.

              As for media blasting, I’m not sure where I would put it at this point. I looked up local places that did media blasting and couldn’t find anything local at the time I shot this video which was back in March 2016.


                [quote=”451Mopar” post=168681]Ok I’m waiting for the tool review of the new blast cabinet :)[/quote]

                Not likely to happen. I’m not doing tool reviews anymore and I’m not sure where I would put it. Also, a diff would never fit in one of those. 😉

                Steve Johnson

                  Didn’t see you paint the cover.You must be saving that for the ECG Logo,or maybe something else special. 🙂

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