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Improvements to site and topics for future videos

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge ETCG Suggestion Box Improvements to site and topics for future videos

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  • #486254
    Steffen NyegaardSteffen Nyegaard

      Hi Eric.

      Regarding the site I would suggest a small country flag next to the user name so that when replying you can take into account the weather, particular car models available, different maintenance standards and technician cultures.

      Also, there could be a form you fill out when putting in a diagnostics request to make sure that all the fact where known (FWD, Auto, 4 cylinder, 1996, 115000 miles). I know you have a post on here explaining which details are necessary, but people seeking help might not know which details are important or find that particular thread. A mini form would help that.

      Regarding topics I would like to suggest:
      A video on the different engine topologies. For example 3-, 4-, 5-, 6- cylinder engines, how they work and how they are balanced internally. I for one didn’t know for a long time that in spite of being a four cylinder, four stroke, the pistons move up and down in pairs and not independently. How come? How does odd number cylinders work in that regard? I read once that having more cylinders allows a narrower amount of degrees between ignition making the engine run smoother.

      A video on the benefits of large bore-short stroke versus small bore-long stroke engine types.

      Videos on turbo engines and more diesel videos.

      I for one really liked your inside (part name) with a down to earth explanation. Seeing the part with a walk-through beats internet GIF animations by miles.
      I know how Helmholtz resonator theory works regarding intake headers and found you intake header video very interesting regarding the automatic long and short runner length system that you showed (forgot the name).

      I know that you are busy, these are just suggestions for “at some point” :).

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