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In you opinion which is the more desirable car?

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge General Discussion In you opinion which is the more desirable car?

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  • #580336

      In all fairness isn’t this like asking if you’d rather have a Prius vs. a McLaren P1? I’d take the merc if given to me of course, but I’d do the same thing with it as the celica, sell it for something I want for what I’d get for it. 😉 In the case of the Mercedes, a house with a 5 car garage on an acre of land. Celica, an older 70’s broke F-150 to foose-ify as much as my limited abilities, time, and resources will allow.

      David RoddickDavid Roddick

        Although I am currently a Mustang guy I wouldn’t mind a new Aston Martin DB9. And my Birthday is tomorrow. So for the really rich folks reading this, that’s a hint on what you can get me. For the rest of you (including me) just some good grade car wash soap will be fine with me so I can wash my 94 stang.

        Lorrin BarthLorrin Barth

          I just picked up power steering hoses for my Subaru. Three hundred and fifty dollars and they don’t even come with o-rings or the seal that goes on the power steering pump. So, had to order those extra. That Mercedes SLR McLaren better come with a bumper to bumper million mile warranty if I expect to be able to afford to drive it.

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