
Is my transmission going? :(

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      When you a put a car in gear it shouldn’t roll back right? My 03 Maxima, 6 – Speed with 156000 miles, rolls back when I park it on a hill. My ebrake cable snapped so I tried to put it in gear to park it. But it started rolling back. Idk why its doing this. Transmission feels smooth. Anyone know what it could be??

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    • #657335
      Andrew ButtonAndrew Button

        Manual transmission ? try a different gear. Gms in the early 70s wouldn’t let you remove the key unless the car was in Reverse. Anyway, the thing that I think about when a car rolls in gear when parked and shut off, in is one of two things. If the motor was so worn that it lacked compression, probably not your problem, or the clutch was so worn that the weight of the car was overriding the disc, however it would probably not GO if the clutch was that bad. if your shift linkage is not fully engaging in gear, it could happen, although it would grind like heck when going.


          You probably don’t have any problem. The engine might not be big enough to counteract the weight of the vehicle. Putting it in a higher gear would be even worde because you would have leverage working against the engine.


            If it is a Automatic transmission then check your shifter linkage on your transmission. If it is even a little loose it can show on the shifter in the car that it is in park but could really be in reverse or neutral.


              Car is a 6 – speed manual transmission. And I’ve tried it in very gear. The hill I live on isn’t even steep though and this the second time my e brake hasn’t worked. And last time when it was messed up I was able to park it in gear and it stay. Now it’ll slowly roll back. had to use the curb as a little stop so I could park my car.

              Andrew ButtonAndrew Button

                is something hanging up your clutch causing it not fully engage. Watch Erics video on diagnosing a bad clutch. See it will stall in gear like the Ford in his video doesn’t.

                Lorrin BarthLorrin Barth

                  You need to get your parking brake fixed. First or reverse are you best bets for holding the car in place – the lower the gear the better.

                  If the car wants to roll and it spins the engine backwards and you have a timing belt is may be possible for the belt to jump a tooth or a few and that could damage the engine. My manual transmission Subaru has four guards on the belt preventing this from happening. My manual transmission Mitsubishi has none.


                    Sounds like a clutch problem.

                    You could also pick up a couple of bricks from Home Depot. Then keep your foot on the brake and quickly jam one under the front tire if possible. Kind of a redneck fix, but it may work.


                      First off, we have no reason to jump to the conclusion that this is a clutch problem. The main reason we should assume the clutch is fine is because if the clutch was this far gone the vehicle would not be drivable. If the clutch couldn’t even hold the vehicle still than it definitely wouldn’t be able to move the vehicle at highway speed. We have no reason to think there is anything wrong with the car because we have no other symptoms.
                      It could just be the limited slip letting it roll. You need to get your parking brake fixed.


                        Many years ago when I learned to drive I was taught to leave a car in reverse if the front was pointing down a hill and first gear if the rear of the car was pointing down the hill. This all could be total B.S. but has stuck with me for almost 40 years of driving. I suggest that you try it and if it doesn’t help you should find a rock or a brick to block the wheels until you are able to get the parking brake repaired.


                          I’m not worried about how to park the car or that my ebrake cable is snapped. I know all this. I just used to be able to leave my car in gear with the ebrake down and it wouldn’t roll back. But when my ebrake cable snapped, I wanted to leave my car in gear and park it like that. I use to be able to just leave it in gear and it would not roll back. Now it does roll back in gear which is my concern since before it wouldn’t. I’ve tried it in every gear and even turned the car around and tried reverse. My clutch hasn’t been replaced in a while, but I doubt its the clutch because I haven’t grinded any gears and it feels nice. Ill try that trick from Erics vid to see if the clutch is bad.


                            Well like I was saying earlier; if the clutch was bad enough that it wouldn’t stop the car from rolling than you would have major slipage when driving. I would first suspect the limited slip. I would take it to a trans shop and see what they say.

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