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Is penetrating oil had for this situation??

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here Is penetrating oil had for this situation??

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  • #631789

      My girlfriend has a 1999 subaru outback (Same thing eric used to have but the antenna is on the left rear of the car) And her Antenna isn’t working. However, when we turn on and off the ignition, we can hear the motor and everything running, however, the antenna doesn’t seem to want to go back in. Also, her cup holder next to the radio, is stuck open. Are there any common repairs for these two items??? If so what are they? Thanks!

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    • #631841

        Unless the radio is not getting reception, I’d ignore that antenna.

        I believe that cupholder assembly can be removed, which should make it easy to fix or replace. Don’t use penetrating oil, which will ruin the plastic.

        Lorrin Barth

          There’s a little rod of plastic inside the antenna. One end is connected to the upper end of the antenna and the other to an electrically driven reel. When the plastic breaks the antenna will go up but in the reverse condition all that is happening is the broken part of the plastic is winding onto the reel.

          I repaired one of these once and it quickly turned into an all day job. I’d suggest replacing it with a fixed antenna.

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