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  • is the “drive belt” same as the serpentine belt?

is the “drive belt” same as the serpentine belt?

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here is the “drive belt” same as the serpentine belt?

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  • #887659

      My car is a 2015 Mazda 3, over 100,000 miles. I got maintenance and the mechanic mentioned that the drive belt is starting to crack. Is this the serpentine belt? He mentioned there are two belts, I’m assuming the other one is for the AC?

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    • Author
    • #887660
      Richard Kirshy

        [quote=”bananaspree” post=195048]My car is a 2015 Mazda 3, over 100,000 miles. I got maintenance and the mechanic mentioned that the drive belt is starting to crack. Is this the serpentine belt? He mentioned there are two belts, I’m assuming the other one is for the AC?[/quote]
        See if this helps:


          Seems to just be one belt for the accessory system. They have different names but same thing. Some cars will have two serpentine belts. Most newer ones dont. This car also has a timing chain setup.

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