
is this possible?

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  • #484214

      all from a simple oil change possible? not sure.
      comments state fuel regulator tho ive never heard of such thing. My deawoo dont got one.

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    • #484216

        Why don’t we keep the YouTube discussions on YouTube. Most stuff like that is fake. This forum is for helping people with real life automotive problems.


          Your deawoo does have a fuel pressure regulator by the way


            [quote=”thisisbuod” post=41219]Your deawoo does have a fuel pressure regulator by the way[/quote]

            the impala has 2 relays and a fuse for the regulator. my daewoo has no such fuse or relay. btw my impala have fog lights but in the fuse box there is no fog light relay or fuse and the fog lights do work.

            also what is a A.I.R relay?


              Fuel Pressure Regulator
              Your deawoo is fuel injected so it must have a pressure regulator. The fuel pump sends fuel to the engine at a relatively constant pressure but, the fuel injectors require varying pressures which depend on rpms and throttle input. The fuel pressure regulator adjusts the pressure going to the injectors so that a proper fuel/air ratio of 1 parts fuel to 10 parts air is maintained. The operation of the fuel pressure regulator is dictated by either an electronic device or by vacuum created in the intake manifold. Yours is vacuum actuated.

              Fog Lights
              your fog lights probably have an inline fuse or a fuse in the engine compartment.

              The air relay
              The air relay is for your smog pump. The smog pump injects fresh air into the exhaust system to help the catalytic converter burn off un-burnt exhaust gases.


                [quote=”thisisbuod” post=41241]Fuel Pressure Regulator
                Your deawoo is fuel injected so it must have a pressure regulator. The fuel pump sends fuel to the engine at a relatively constant pressure but, the fuel injectors require varying pressures which depend on rpms and throttle input. The fuel pressure regulator adjusts the pressure going to the injectors so that a proper fuel/air ratio of 1 parts fuel to 10 parts air is maintained. The operation of the fuel pressure regulator is dictated by either an electronic device or by vacuum created in the intake manifold. Yours is vacuum actuated.

                Fog Lights
                your fog lights probably have an inline fuse or a fuse in the engine compartment.

                The air relay
                The air relay is for your smog pump. The smog pump injects fresh air into the exhaust system to help the catalytic converter burn off un-burnt exhaust gases.[/quote]

                dont have a air relay just a socket for it. foglights only work when headlights r on (or parking lights) manually. they will not work with just DRLs

                since the abs is not working will pulling the fuse stop the message center saying “service traction system”?


                  Pulling the fuse will most likely not make the light turn off.

                  Why is the abs not working? Did you turn it off? Just so you know, airbags, abs, and other safety devices are built into your car for a reason. Sure you might hear a couple horror stories about any of these but the fact is they save lives. They would not be mandatory if they did nothing but hurt people.

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