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Looking to upgrade my box, but not break the bank!

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Technicians Only Looking to upgrade my box, but not break the bank!

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  • #642717

      First of all, let me start by saying that i’ve been a tech since ’09. And in that time i’ve been getting by with a 6 drawer craftsman exactly like this.

      My current toolbox

      Ok, now you can see how I am running into issues… I got around this, because i worked with a good friend and he has an 11 drawer snap-on box and he allowed me to use some of his spare drawers for my larger tools. Well, he has moved on and now im running into issues. Its getting to the point where i’ve had to leave various pullers, pry bars and blow-molded cases filled with specialty tools in my car. Not only unsafe, but a huge hassle anytime i have to run out to the car to need them.

      Why i have this box still you may ask… Well, I can’t see spending a small car payment for a new toolbox. Don’t get my wrong, love the mac/cornwell/snap-on/matco stuff. Even talked to them about it, but they want no less than 7 grand for a new box, and almost half that for a used dinged up box…

      So im curious what kind of options i have out there. I’m looking for something middle ground. A roll cab that i can expand on to in the future (side cabs, maybe a hutch at some point..) around 56″, 11 drawer. I want something that has a solid feel and sturdy metal (that snap on box i mentioned earlier that i borrowed.. i loved the sturdy feel everytime you opened a loaded drawer and the smoothness of the drawers.) But also want to stay from low-end ‘home improvement store’ toolboxes.

      I’ve heard surprisingly good things about the US General boxes. For example, these two below.

      Link: US General 72 in. 18 Drawer Glossy Red Industrial Roller Cabinet

      Link: 56 in., 11 Drawer Glossy Red Industrial Roller Cabinet

      I’d like to keep it around a grand if possible. Definitely something around that size, maybe a little bigger if the price is right. Basically just looking for more options as far as quality brands, and something that is going to last and have the capacity to hold a decent amount of tools, and have upgrade-ability in the future.

      Curious to see what the other techs have to say on this, because i’m sure you have all been in that situation when you had to buy your first ‘real box’. Also any pros/cons you have as to what you prefer / dont prefer would be great. Really would like to hear from all who have experienced different boxes and what makes them great / not so great. Also wouldnt mind seeing pictures of what you have for some ideas on what i may like to go with as far as options/size/color.

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    • #642719
      Walt jr

        Hit up all the tool truck guys for a used one, sometimes if they know they have it sold they will get aggressive to sell somebody else on their route a new box because you are ready to buy the trade in. Check your local Craig’s list too but watch out for stolen stuff, lots of things on there have been obtained by less than honest means.


          I’ve heard good things about the us. general boxes also, but only in the bigger sizes. The 26in. double stack not so much.
          Maybe you should look at getting a cart, and free up some space in the box. Used name brand carts sell for reasonable prices on CL.


            I have a variety of tools all stuffed into Craftsman boxes with the ball bearing slides and grip latch drawers. The Craftman boxes have been growing with my tool collection for over ten years now without complaint. I got a couple pics of my boxes attached below. There’s one particular drawer that’s been dubbed Socketopia. As it is now, it’s storing over 300 sockets and you feel it when you try to take that drawer out. The weight does make that drawer feel flimsy off the rails, but the rails have held onto all that wieght without a problem.

            The only thing I don’t really like about the Craftsman boxes is that they don’t have the depth that your premium brand boxes have. Conversly, I have a really hard time justifying thousands of dollars for a box on wheels that I can’t drive.

            If you want to build onto your current box like I did, I strongly recommend ball bearing roller drawers. And really, that’s for any brand you decide to invest in. Anything less tends not to last. Sears has wierd and random mark downs on their boxes. The long top chest in the upper right of my boxes had something like a 40% mark down when I picked it up this year and it wasn’t advertised as such out of the store. If you can wait for Black Friday, you might be able to score yourself enough to still have room to grow into the box(es) in a year from now.


              [quote=”Walt jr” post=117694]Hit up all the tool truck guys for a used one, sometimes if they know they have it sold they will get aggressive to sell somebody else on their route a new box because you are ready to buy the trade in. Check your local Craig’s list too but watch out for stolen stuff, lots of things on there have been obtained by less than honest means.[/quote]

              That’s how I bought my Mac Tech 1000. I just told my Snap-On guy that I was looking for X type of box. It took a little over a month I think. The premium boxes are SO much nicer than the cheap ones. As they should considering my previous box was approximately the same size but 1/4 the price (1/8 on sale) and 1/10 of the weight. Oh ya, do a little research online first, I don’t think there’s many people that would be able to chuck a 400+ pound tool box in the back of the old truck.

              James O’Hara

                If you are making this into your life and/or career and if you can save up the money buy a tool truck brand box used from ebay, craigs list, estate sale, garage sale or off a tool truck if its a competing brand. Most tool truck guys keep used boxes off site and will load it up to show you it if you are a serious buyer and pay on time. Remember always inspect the boxes underneath, moving parts, and that it sits level to the floor. Then there is the warranty store brands are very limited, slow to warranty, and normally lasts a max of 10 yrs if that.

                Store bought brands are harder to upgrade with side lockers, hutches, and drawers because you have to save up and purchase as a big ticket. Most of the upper class tool truck boxes allow for drawer customization. The weight rating of the drawers on store bought boxes is drastically lower then a tool truck brand. Moving your box around whether in the shop or when you move to a new location or a different shop. The cheaper boxes will tend to rattle loose and/or the plastic wheels will break. Most store bought brands have a cheap flimsy handle if they have a handle to move your box around with or to hang tools on. Most tool truck brand boxes have greaseable/serviceable casters this is very important in big shops or when you move it around a lot. When you decide to upgrade later on down the line to something bigger you will get more money for a tool truck brand tool box.

                Building your own box is by far the cheapest and best solution. The downside to this is you have to have time, means, materials, and a very good understanding of weight distribution, basic structural engineering, and be able to design a reliable locking method.


                  Although I’ve been sucked into the high buck tools storage world for years now, I can offer a really cheap solution for you. Get a storage locker from Sears or Lowes. one of the nice $200-$300 metal ones and use that for all the kit boxes, bulky things, and long stuff like the ever wonderful 3′ prybar that won’t fit in your box. If you still just plain need more storage for small hand tools too, get a twin to the box you already have and you’ll be way upgraded for under a G.

                  I can recommend the Gladiator/Whirlpool one I bought from Sears about 7 years ago, and Lowes has been stocking that same unit lately. It’s all metal but still light enough to pick up empty, it rolls on nice swivel/locking casters, and has a tubular lock.

                  Bernard Hoffman

                    I recommend watch Ebay. Ebay seller have some nice boxes for about 50-60% of new.
                    I bought my KRL1032 only about year old for 4500 in 2007 from Ebay.
                    So this maybe out of your price range but you can save a lot buying used.
                    buy a box with large draws is better than a box with a lot of small draws.

                    When buying on ebay : setup ebay and paypal account in advance. Use paypal to pay for the box.(warranty)
                    pickup trunk and low bottom trailer with a long tailgate is likely the cheapest easies way to move it.
                    buy close to home no more than a 1 day round trip.

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