
Maintenance specs/reminders

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  • #570255
    Jonathan Stiver

      I know ETCG is always looking for avenues to expand what is provided to people so just thought I’d toss this out there. I’m sure something like this exists somewhere or would be overwhelming to compile if it didn’t but…. What about like a virtual garage on your ETCG account that you could track all your different vehicles service intervals and specifications? Then the site will send you reminders via email, text, w/e when it’s time to change your rear diff fluid and tell you to get 1.23 qts of xyz brand. Maybe I’m just a mess but I have a hard time keeping track of intervals that last potentially several years and usually just buy a new car and start over instead 😉

      And then tag threads / videos to their year/make/model/engine for reference all in one spot. There’s so much great knowledge and information here it wouldn’t take long for data mining to start building pattern failures, specific procedures, specs, part info, etc tailored to your exact vehicle. Searching can be tough and we as people like to think our problems are unique and start new threads about things covered 12 times over…

      I realize some of this has probably been thought about or maybe even tried and a 5 man IT crew isn’t exactly desired but maybe there’s enough people connected to ETCG with the skills for this to pitch in and give it a shot. Just make sure the website doesn’t get smarter and start making it’s own YouTube channel 😉

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    • #570510

        An amazing idea for sure but as you pointed out, that would be a massive undertaking, and honestly, I don’t even know if it would be possible. Perhaps the developer can weigh in on that.

        Great idea though.

        Dave Garboczi

          Check out Fleetio

          Seems to be free for under 5 vehicles.

          Jonathan Stiver

            Thanks, you and your community have helped me so much ill always try to give something back. I’ll do a little more research and see what it looks like. I know it would help me tremendously and I (arrogantly & ignorantly) think I know what I’m doing haha

            Jonathan Stiver

              [quote=”rhoptry” post=82980]Check out Fleetio

              Seems to be free for under 5 vehicles.

              Awesome this is cool!! Well having the option to organize / search / browse threads & videos by YMME would still be cool and helpful here


                [quote=”stiv625″ post=82982][quote=”rhoptry” post=82980]Check out Fleetio

                Seems to be free for under 5 vehicles.

                Awesome this is cool!! Well having the option to organize / search / browse threads & videos by YMME would still be cool and helpful here[/quote]

                You can also use the search function to quickly find a thread or info on a specific issue.

                Lorrin Barth

                  I wrote maintenance software for my personal vehicle on two occasions. The last time I used Microsoft Access. Create one table with all the maintenance tasks and another with pertinent information about that task – such as what to buy and how much and how to do information. Link the two tables. Then write some coding on a form that will accept the current odometer reading and and solve for the nearest service interval. Then automatically print out a list of things that need doing then and what to buy.

                  I found this convenient, I would take this list to the auto parts store. It also forced me do do a more complete job, I wouldn’t check off an item until completed.


                    One thing to keep in mind here is the number of different vehicles that are out there. I think it would be a massive undertaking to cover every service interval for every vehicle out there.

                    Jonathan Stiver

                      I understand, but start with a database of all the US makes/models (should be free domain somewhere???) and slowly start filling in the service info from there. Some manufacturers try to keep it consistent across their product line for a given year, and you could have users upload info to the site to start with. Just tossing things around, it would be quite an undertaking and take awhile to complete if ever… But if it could eventually save 100 questions/emails/threads a week what is that worth?


                        Honestly the focus is on other things at the moment, such as working on adding more information to the Codes page as well as individual pages for all of my videos. Just that alone is a major undertaking. I’d hate to get wrapped up in something as subjective as individual service intervals for all the different makes and models. Also, I feel I’ve covered that as a general topic in the video above and whenever I post a service related video I try to include that information. That said, it is a good idea and one we’ll explore at some point but I’d rather stay focused on the things I mentioned and get those at a comfortable place first.

                        Thanks again for your suggestion.

                        Jonathan Stiver

                          Thanks for taking the time to respond, Eric. I understand entirely. And actually now that I’ve had a chance to nerd out on Fleetio… It is just about everything and more of what I was looking for. Thanks again for the suggestion rhoptry!


                            Glad you were able to find a solution. I’d like to work that information in someday, but for now we’ll refer people to that site.

                            Thanks again for the suggestion.

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